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Tikays Tournament


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Guest gazza271

Re: Tikays Tournament well i've just gone out after getting back in to play 3 hands, KQ and flop comes 4Q5 Chip leader pushes me all in and turns over Q7 then makes a straight with a 6 and 8 on turn and river:wall :wall :wall

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Re: Tikays Tournament bugger all my hard work at bluffin and stealing undone when i had a legimate hand! QJ limp - J flop, bet 1/2pot and one caller, turn bet 1/3 pot and call; Q on the river - bet half pot, min raise I call he turns over QQ..... Back to where I started an hour ago! been fun tho raising with shite :) Damo :cheers

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Re: Tikays Tournament

I went out because ANYONE who came back in started playing like freerolling Magyars to try and build a stack up. Made it impossible to play..... Fcuking joke Sporting Odds!!!
Any chance we can get our money back? Having to sit out the first 45 makes a mockery of the whole blind structure etc. Edit: just Had to fold AQ because of lag. That's me fcuking finished:@:@ Logging out and asking for my money back.
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Re: Tikays Tournament

Any chance we can get our money back? Having to sit out the first 45 makes a mockery of the whole blind structure etc. Edit: just Had to fold AQ because of lag. That's me fcuking finished:@:@ Logging out and asking for my money back.
well I'll be ringing them tomorrow. They can shove "send an e-mail' up their............................................................ bandwidth.
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