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I am very disappointed at......


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the amount of posts today that have had to be closed and/or deleted and the criticism of people like Paul Ross and Ollie by certain people. Do you realise how much time and effort these guys put into the board??? I thought we had more mature posters than this, I been a member of this board for over a year and have never seen a day like this. shame :(

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Guest toshibakid

I agree matt I agree,i admit i am a bit guilty,but i think i have been provoked by people calling me words for my predictions,i never go out to insult anyone because i like the lounge,as i was saying the other week about if i could pay by debit card i would pay £20 in,unfortuly i cant,towards the ex board fund.I think too many people where waiting to be let out the cages once england lost,i make no excuse for losing its goals what count.If we would of got beat by 5 -0 then slaughter us,but not stupid comments and people calling people tossers for predicting england to win the world cup and so on.We are here to share info not start pissing each other off.

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Guest MC Roller

Re: I am very disappointed at...... Here Here Matt, but I have to say most of the time this is a great board, if folks go over the top I just try and stay out of it and leave it to the mods. I'm all for banter before the games, but some of the posts after the England game were plain silly.

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Re: I am very disappointed at...... I agree, I love this board and the banter and I myself have stepped VERY close to that line recently. But today really got on my nerves, it just went to an all-out verbal assault. I was guilty of a small part in it but some people were just out to cause trouble on this day :(

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Guest madmick

Re: I am very disappointed at...... I share the disappointement, and agree that some people were out of order..... however.....a look back at some of the posts surrounding the Argentina game for example would show that that it is not a one-off.....unfortunately there will always be people who 'hold grudges' and stir up the shite when they get their chance. One of the richnesses of this board for me is the diversity of nationalities and interests that people bring. If the majority of us can learn something from all of this and bring some temperence to bear on things from here on in, then maybe some good will come of it. Have a good one guys...

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Re: I am very disappointed at...... Seems to be the new guys who are the worst. Like me. Except everyone love me, wherever I go. Honest. Just wish I could DL macromedia shockwave from work so I could check out this HABBO lark. Suppose I could hook up a land line at home. Can't be arsed in rented accomadation though.

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