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Re: poker4ever

Complete change of subject - just seen my name on the Sky EPG :$ :$ Fame at last!!!! I presume everyone who wanted to see my UK Open game has seen it through the torrent - but if not, it's repeated on challenge TV tomorrow night at 12:45!!! :$ :$ :$ :$ That's set the butterflies running again!!!!
Excellent mate - I'll put a reminder on my mobile and EVERYONE who'll be in London may get a chance to see it. :ok
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Re: poker4ever

well i have 50 raked points now and up to $66.16 on there:rollin cant complain about that:nana . Just another 450 points to go:eek
The two middle freerolls require 200 raked hands in the week preceding it - so don't get them too early!!!! PS - Mr V - when I said "Tomorrow Night" - that was said from the perspective of being Wednesday Night - not 01:00 Thursday - i.e. the repeat is on Thursday Night/Friday Morning.......
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Re: poker4ever played a 50c/$1 fixed limit table (so couldn't get trigger happy) for not long (less than half an hour) to earn 11.4 rake points :) oh, and sat down with $10 and left with $30.40. made my day :lol was one guy who would sit out when asked for his blind and then sat back in while the hand played out - was he earning rake points by doing so ?

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Re: poker4ever Played 0.05/0.10 FL games for 45 minutes and raked up the amazing figure of 1.4 points, another 5 hours and I hope to make 10 points. Made 96 cents doing it. The rake is terrible, put .25 into a pot of .50 against the BB before I folded, he got .45 back. The rake of 5 cents from his profit of .25 was 20%.

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Guest gazza271

Re: poker4ever

Got my 50 points for the day and reg'd for $1000 freeroll tonight Hope to see some other Pl'rs there Also i find that sitting on 2 tables you get your points faster even if you only play your blinds
How long did it take you to get the points mate and how many are usally in the $1000 freeroll ?? Ta
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Re: poker4ever I was playing on 10/20 cent NL table and I had 20 points by 12pm today(started about 10.30am) and got the other 30 points by 14.30 so i would say roughly 4 hrs to get the points. There was 88 in the first $1000 freeroll (30 places paid) and approx 120 in lastnights(50 places paid) so plenty of time

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Re: poker4ever I LOVE P4E:nana :nana :nana :nana I just finished 3rd for $80 in p4e $1000 freeroll. Thats my account up to $142 :loon :lol :nana :notworthy Such a lovely wee site I think i will need to find out about depositing to claim my $40 punterslounge bonus and also about withdrawing. Not sure if you can use Visa debit card for both. Anyone who can shed any light let me know:ok

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Re: poker4ever

Got my 10 rake points playing 0.05/0.10 FL games in the background. Took bloody ages but made $0.02 into the bargain too! :lol
I managed to get my 10 points after about 4 hours on these tables Lost a total of $0.05 doing it :cry Checked my statistics and it says that I played 154 hands to get the points, don't know if that is good or bad.
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Guest gazza271

Re: poker4ever Well i got the points and registered, However I must admit that i struggled on there. I found it was like SO used to be and people were playing any old hand and putting in big raises when holding complete crap ! GaF, You joined my table about 10 minutes before i left, half through frustration and half to play in the freeroll. How did you find it ?

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Re: poker4ever

I just finished 3rd for $80 in p4e $1000 freeroll. I think i will need to find out about depositing to claim my $40 punterslounge bonus and also about withdrawing. Not sure if you can use Visa debit card for both. Anyone who can shed any light let me know:ok
well played Red :clap Don't think they accept debit cards directly. I deposited by credit card but looks as if I need a neteller account for withdrawals. I have half opened a neteller account but validating it or something similar seemed way too involved (couldn't be finished online, but involved faxing some info instead) so I have stopped for now. I'll worry about it again when I've won enough to worry about ! :ok to anyone who read this post before I edited it - completely misunderstood the bonus and ignore the bit about your granny. to anyone who didn't read the original version .... thanks !
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Re: poker4ever

GaF' date=' You joined my table about 10 minutes before i left, half through frustration and half to play in the freeroll. How did you find it ?[/quote'] TBH I thought the standard was worse than SO!!!!!!! I'm quite shocked as well, that 2 tables I was on, I was the only one who bought in for the maximum - I view having a short stack as a huge disadvantage......or am I missing something? I bought in at $40 - other players were buying in for amounts like $3!!!! :loon Maybe none of these other players have deposited there - and they're just spending their freeroll winnings? I finished UP by about $20 ........
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Re: poker4ever This looks like being a "dollar up" type game - multiplied by 10!! 176 entrants at the moment, paying $10 - so $1760 - then $5000 added to the prize fund - so $6760!!! only 30 mins till it starts!! Hopefully - knowing the site doesn't have "passing trade" yet - there won't be a late surge - somewhere around 200 would be very nice :ok Gazza, run and myself - anyone else? EDIT - I see LBB is in as well :ok

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