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Betfred Forum Challenge


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Re: Betfred Forum Challenge :cry :cry :cry Well I think I'm probably the big fish (at least till saturday) - had A3 stayed for flop - flop was 332 I bet the pot of 30 got raised to 60 reraised by 300 opponent stayed - next card 9 - went all -in got called - opponent has 93 - end of story - probably wouldn't have made any difference if I'd gone all in b4 turn - trips would have stayed and 9 would have bad beat me......

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Re: Betfred Forum Challenge Thats me out, moved in on A2 with 900 chips, called by 55 and it held up. Real damage was done a few hands earlier against Val. He checked the ace on the turn so I bet into it thinking it was a scare card, he dwelled then read it right and called with KK. Best of luck to all PLers remaining!!

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