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Betfred Forum Challenge


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Re: Betfred Forum Challenge Thanks Martyn :ok I should add as well, that Betfred/Martyn did offer to host a qualifying game for us to select the team with if we wished - I decided against to stick with the team already selected, prefering to use our history in the Dollar Up, and League and look at contributions in the Forum, rather than use just a single one off game. Martyn has tried to do everything he can to help us :ok BH - I'm afraid it has been confirmed that observer chat will NOT be available during this tourney.

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Re: Betfred Forum Challenge Good luck to the whole team :ok Sure the selection process was very difficult but I'm positive that with the representation chosen PL should do very well indeed. Pity that chat isn't allowed but you have everyone's full support. Go get 'em:clap

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Re: Betfred Forum Challenge

The people who have sorted out the team have had a very tough job as they have been limited by the rules of the challenge set by Betfred. For a forum such as this with so many contributing members it is always going to be difficult to satisfy everyone. No doubt there will be more and similar tournaments for you guys to enter as a whole but for this one it has been a toughy.
Thanks for all of your help and input on this Martyn.:ok It certainly was a tough descision for us in trying to choose a PL team of only ten members as there were so many contenders, we did ask Martyn if we could enter a couple more teams. We believe that the final choices made from the League MTT results and forum participation, past and present, can take us to victory. So you can send the prizes now Martyn ;).
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Re: Betfred Forum Challenge Thanks to Fred for organising this tourny, sounds like a great idea & i'm confident our forum will win :hope Its never easy picking a representative team for any sport/game but there was a quality squad to choose from and although only 10 could be chosen PL has plenty of Aces in its pack - I just wish David Moyes had this much choice! I'll try not to be a one-cap wonder! :) SFK

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Re: Betfred Forum Challenge I'm wondering the same thing, I'm a definite for the tournament but looking at getting home about 15 mins before it starts, if registration isn't open early in the day or isn't automatic, I'm going to have to hope I don't run into traffic. If there is a small registration window - is anyone willing to register for me if I PM them my password? Just to be on the safe side. And RE: team selection. Was a very pleasant surprise to got chosen for this. TBO my recent tournament form has been terrible and there's a whole load of talented tournament players on here. Will do my best not to drag the team down :D A single qualifying tournament isn't really a great idea since you can't extract much about playing ability from just one tournament. Dollar up/league is better, but a lot of people don't play either of those regularly, so it can only be one consideration. I know I wouldn't fancy the task of putting together a team, so kudos to the mods for taking the time and doing a good job. Edit: That's in response to slap's question like 5 posts ago. Slow typer! Guess no need for anyone to register for me.

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Re: Betfred Forum Challenge guess - registration is automatic :ok Team play - I did ask the question of Martyn - it's a difficult one - we're playing together as a team, but have to perform individually - Martyn insisted that play must be individual, and Betfred will be closely monitoring the play - though to be honest, they have an impossible job!!!! Straight off - "collusion" of any kind must be a DEFINITE nono - it would be unacceptable to Betfred, and it would be unacceptable to Punters Lounge. However, "soft play" - whilst not acceptable, there comes a point where the dividing line is difficult ..... and it comes down to personal judgement. What I cannot imagine happening, for ANY team, is if just two team members are left and they are head to head, there can't be an all in, with a call - that would simply be madness - I think we need to show personal judgement on what is acceptable and what isn't, but it's difficult!!!

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Re: Betfred Forum Challenge :drums Tonight's the night! The Betfred Affiliate Forum Challenge - Part 1 :clap We have had a great response to this tournament, thanks to all those that have sent their teams in. Everyone seems very confident of winning! To gain entry to the Forum Challenge tonight and on Saturday 21st January, please follow the guidelines below:

  1. On the day of the event (Part 1 and Part 2) please make sure that you (the player) have your Betfred Poker lobby open and you are logged in at least 10 minutes before the start time.
  2. All team members have been automatically entered into both tournaments, so there is no need for passwords. Just sit tight and each player will be redirected to the assigned table and seat.
  3. Betfred requests that the buy-in amount of $2.20 is showing as available funds in each and every account for both nights (Wednesday 18th and Saturday 21st, total $4.40). This will be taken automatically on entering the tournament. If the funds are not showing, entry will not be granted to the tournament.
  4. There is no re-buy or add-on to this event.
  5. The first set of results will be provided to the affiliate before the final game on Saturday 21st January 2006.
  6. If there are any technical difficulties our 24 hour support team will do their best to rectify any problem which may result in a delayed start. Any problems will be communicated by the support staff to the players involved, please stay online to receive any messages.

Betfred will be monitoring the tournament to watch for any sign of collusion or suspicious play. If you wish to report any suspect play, please use the Live Help facility in the poker lobby. If found guilty of collusion, you and your team will be disqualified from the tournament as a whole. The overall results will be announced during the week beginning Monday 23rd January and the winners informed by Betfred, details will also be included in the next affiliate newsletter. All we request is that the games are played in a good spirit and your teams have a great time. From the Betfred Affiliate Team, we wish you all the very best of luck. P.S. This has been sent to the email addresses supplied as well! :cheers

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Re: Betfred Forum Challenge Quote:

Originally Posted by The Quiet Man 1st PLounger out has an appointment at 5am tomorrow with the Firing Squad so there is a little bit of pressure! :lol
If the first PLr goes out in 10th position we might make an exception!!! Good luck to all (myself included). :nana :nana :nana
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Re: Betfred Forum Challenge Had a look at registered players list and only 64 on it (maybe they are going to add in some more) - all PlL seem to be there except for guesswest as far as I can tell - whats his id on Betfred? On the plus side, if we have a full team and others only partial then that gives us better chance - on the negative side its much nicer beating another team that fields a full side.

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Re: Betfred Forum Challenge Hmmmm ...... is this a good time for another "ForumFish(PLNAME)"??? First one out tonight is ForumFish until Saturdays game, then after Saturdays game, the lowest points scorers (which will probably be everyone on 0 points) is a ForumFish for 1 week? Just to add that bit more pressure........ :lol :lol

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Re: Betfred Forum Challenge Betfred ID's Team Player 1:Telepee Team Player 2:philossify Team Player 3:PatBateman Team Player 4:brael Team Player 5:GazBlades Team Player 6:PLValiant23 Team Player 7:StellaMonster Team Player 8:Xtrmntr Team Player 9:slapdash Team Player 10:guesswest

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Re: Betfred Forum Challenge

Had a look at registered players list and only 64 on it (maybe they are going to add in some more) - all PlL seem to be there except for guesswest as far as I can tell - whats his id on Betfred? On the plus side' date=' if we have a full team and others only partial then that gives us better chance - on the negative side its much nicer beating another team that fields a full side.[/quote'] I also had a look ... a bit before you posted that, I think. It may just be that only people who have logged in since the tournament was put up are listed?
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Re: Betfred Forum Challenge

10 teams in all' date=' 100 players. Not a bad result really. 90 play tonight 100 on saturday due to a team not being able to make this eve.[/quote'] So a 1 in 9 chance on pure odds of winning the seat for a Forum Freeroll (surely a team only playing one leg won't get enough points to win it) :ok
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Re: Betfred Forum Challenge

1st PLounger out has an appointment at 5am tomorrow with the Firing Squad so there is a little bit of pressure! :lol
That bullet has my name on it! :lol I'm seriously bricking myself! I was less nervous at The Sun Final!! My objectives tonight... not to be the first out, not to be the first PL'er to go and... TO WIN THE THING FOR ALL OF PL!! CCCCCCHHHHHHHHAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGEEEEE! :loon
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Re: Betfred Forum Challenge Hmmm.......maybe Guess hasn't the $2.20 in his account :unsure - as with the other "missing" players ..... unfortunately he's only expecting to be home in time a few minutes before the start - not a lot of time to resolve...... I'll get onto Live Help and see what the score is ...... but if it's funding, then Guess is looking cert to be the first ForumFish ;)

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