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**Poker Tuesday 29th November**


**Poker Tuesday 29th November**  

  1. 1.

    • 13:00 SO "Dose of Envy
    • 18:30 Noricbet $5000
    • 19:00 Parbet $1000
    • 19:00 SO Safety Net
    • 19:45 BlueSq Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 SO Real Envy **FINAL**
    • 20:50 PartyPoker.com Ferrari
    • 20:50 PartyPoker.net Ferrari
    • 01:00 PartyPoker.net High Flier

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 29th November** tick tock ......

Peter: Hello Telepe, my name is Peter, How may i help you? Peter: Hello Telepe, may I help you with something? Telepe: Hello - are there problems with registration for Real Envy? Telepe: There is no "register" button Telepe: and registration has remained at 160 - so same for everyone I presume Peter: one moment please Telepe: np Peter: did you have 200 raked hands from begining of the November? Telepe: Yes Peter: can you give me the tournament ID please? Telepe: But it's not hat because noone has registered since registration opened Telepe: Hang on - just looking Telepe: 10020886 Peter: can you give me your full nickname please? Peter: is it telepe or telepee Telepe: Telepe Peter: thank you Telepe: I know others are having the same problem (from a forum) Peter: one moment please - i will contact our poker department Telepe: ok - ty
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Re: **Poker Tuesday 29th November**

Peter: ok - our poker department will add you automatically to the tournament if you qualify for 200 raked hands required for registration - please check the registration list at 7.45 GMT Peter: Is there anything else that I can help you with? Telepe: Ok - there are a number of people on our forum who have the same problem (one has 1800 raked hands this month!!!) - do they all need to contact you directly? Peter: Thank you for your query. If we can be of further assistance please don’t hesitate in contacting us. Peter: unfortunatelly - yes - it is only way to add the manually Telepe: Ok ty.....goodbye Peter: Thank you for your query. If we can be of further assistance please don’t hesitate in contacting us.
--------- Peter has left this chat session. ---------
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Re: **Poker Tuesday 29th November** Has anyone actually got into this thing? I couldn't be arsed with 15 minutes on hold with live chat so I called them - guy said he would call over to poker dept and ring me back. I know GaF and laidback are reporting success, but don't see their names as registered.... Edit: Sorry, just noticed the 7.45pm thing.

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 29th November** :cry Boohoo - am out of Envy on bad beat - doing exceeding well 4400+ chips and go in for BB for 300 (I think) with AQ as dealer - flop Qxx rainbow 1000 on table so I go all in - other big player stays with my all in and turns over KQ - turn gives me AQQ44 him KQQ44 and I'm thinking lubbly jubbly - you can guess what the river was..... I'm out "nutcase" is now tournament leader ..... that one really:cry hurt

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 29th November** Well that's me out - managed to get the 3 tourney chip leaders sitting on my right and of course they raised me when I was BB. Like the novice I am, I called then raised when an Ace appeared on the flop - Shame I only had a pair of 9s and my all in of $900 didn't scare him. (he had $16,000) He then showed Pocket Kings!!!:cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry Still a few PL's in and I'll be there to tilt the tables shortly, ok GAF? :lol KEEP CONCENTRATING - IT'S A TRIP TO VEGAS!!! :loon :loon

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 29th November**

Although I have qualifed for the real envy, I am now otherwise engaged tomorrow night so i won't be able to make it. (have agreed to watch harry potter at the cinema......) So good luck to everyone else in it.
your playing a blinder survived 4 all ins so far
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