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The Sun Poker Championships Live Final


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I received this e-mail today regarding Saturday's live final...

Dear Brian,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

The live final of The Sun Poker Championship will take place at The Palm Beach Casino, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />
30 Berkeley Street, London, W1J 8EH
on Saturday 3rd December 2005.

The final is scheduled to commence at 7.30 pm; please aim to arrive at The Palm Beach therefore between 6.30 and 7.00 pm as it will be necessary for you to complete the casino registration before entering.

You are welcome to bring a guest(s) but please ensure that both you and your guest(s) have identification in the form of either a driver’s license or a passport.

If you have any questions regarding the final, please do not hesitate to contact me otherwise, I shall look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Kind regards, Andy. Card Room Manager VC Poker
If anyone is intending to go and would like to go as a guest, please let me know as soon as possible. I'll ask Andy to stick your name down. The only thing I'd add is that numbers may be restricted (my wife is going :sad so that's one space gone!) but I'm not anticipating too many wanting to just watch... I'm sure you'd rather be playing so get stuck in tonight!!
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Re: The Sun Poker Championships Live Final

As I have stated, I am going in a supportive(!) role!
Does that mean that if the worst happens and Brael gets shafted by a bad beat you won't go beserk, rip everyones heads off and run around shouting 'FIX, FIX!!!!' Instead you will calmly offer your sympathies to Brael and retire to the bar with him to commiserate? :ok
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Re: The Sun Poker Championships Live Final

Does that mean that if the worst happens and Brael gets shafted by a bad beat you won't go beserk, rip everyones heads off and run around shouting 'FIX, FIX!!!!' Instead you will calmly offer your sympathies to Brael and retire to the bar with him to commiserate?
You could do both.
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Re: The Sun Poker Championships Live Final well i promise nothing!!!!! not going as braels support so will cheekily offer my sympathies and watch fenners romp home and the beers will be on him! as for my anger management and shouting fix.................... you can ?@*&**&&^ off and get @?$%^&* if you %*&^%ing think i am @{^%$ putting that in my %^&&^ing mouth! hee hee...... i think someone has been following my sporting odds comedy rants! ;-)

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