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** November MTT Leg 1** SO Dollar Up Wednesday 9pm GMT


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Re: ** November MTT Leg 1** SO Dollar Up Wednesday 9pm GMT

Is SO down? I'm trying to find out where I finished...! Got married to a pair of 3's... should have binned them after the flop! :@ Here's something Pocket Lady can verify... did I really see TQM win a pot with 72o while he was sitting out??
Yes roll.gifroll.gifroll.gif I folded the same hand - we'd have split the pot! embarassed.gif You went out in 47th
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Re: ** November MTT Leg 1** SO Dollar Up Wednesday 9pm GMT Ah well, out in 7th - just sat and watched the rest fall and had no cards to play with for the last hour. :ok Well done to Heniek on 6th place. :notworthy Felt very sorry for my brother as he went out on the bubble and he's never been in the money in the Dollar-up. :cry Thanks for the support guys :clap - it's a shame I've got to work these days as it's getting in the way of my Poker. :rollin

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Re: ** November MTT Leg 1** SO Dollar Up Wednesday 9pm GMT

Ah well' date=' out in 7th - just sat and watched the rest fall and had no cards to play with for the last hour.[/quote'] I know the feeling, the all-in i lost to you was the only decent starting hand i had had since the break, i just had to watch my chips dwindling:cry...................... and even then it was only A-10 :(
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Re: ** November MTT Leg 1** SO Dollar Up Wednesday 9pm GMT Watching the final table, and Peti1978 and Szumi20 seem to be very passive when heads-up. Funnily enough the smaller stack always seem to be able to bully the larger..... I'm sorry about your brother TQM-I think I was v. lucky against him in one hand. I think I rivered an A against his JJ. Well played anyway guys-I love these MTT's, great fun. :clap :clap :clap

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Re: ** November MTT Leg 1** SO Dollar Up Wednesday 9pm GMT First, as always, thank you for your great support :clap. Well played all of guys (and ladies) I cant remember such a rush as I played three tourneys at the time. Madness. GAF how do you do it all? PLady - good Polish :ok. TQM - :$ I didnt know it was you on the final table :eyes. :gimme

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Re: ** November MTT Leg 1** SO Dollar Up Wednesday 9pm GMT nuts1 (don't even know your PL name yet):lol Use this screenshot to complain, I had a similar problem on another site when I got to heads up and did very well out of it.... nuts1forcedsitout4tl.jpg nuts1forcedsitout4tl.jpg is the imageshack filename Oh, and :welcome to PL :ok

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Re: ** November MTT Leg 1** SO Dollar Up Wednesday 9pm GMT :welcome to the PL Stonecoldnuts. Good performance last night mate and very unlucky with the disconnection. :wall I got disconnected just before the first break and when I got back I'd manage to gain $300 with 2 7o. :lol Why no one raised me is beyond belief. :loon

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Re: ** November MTT Leg 1** SO Dollar Up Wednesday 9pm GMT Aha finally got this up and running big thanks to pocketlady and valiant for some damn good cheerin on would love to be a part of your dollar up tourney. And if im on the table and your playin me "RESPECT MY AUTHORITAH" 9th place and gutted was on a monster comeback from 38 chips before the pocket J's got whacked.

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