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**Extreme Value** S.O. Pay Day ($25+$2) - $10,000 Gtd


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Re: **Extreme Value** S.O. Pay Day ($25+$2) - $10,000 Gtd Kind of hand I've always dreamed of... 84 hearts in big blind, no one raised - flop 5H, 7H, 4S... HAVE to stay in with that flop - and see 6H on the turn! Then, just to make it even better, someone goes all in with two high hearts :) Got me up to 8th :)

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Re: **Extreme Value** S.O. Pay Day ($25+$2) - $10,000 Gtd

115 entries - i'm out in 114 hand Ks 9s :hope Flop 10.J,Q rainbow:loon all in you know the other guy's hand:wall well that's poker
Unlucky mate - absolutely nothing you can do in that situation :sad. I remember once I had AK and two other guys I was in the pot with had K9 - we all needed a jack to make our straight and it came on the river, and I ended up trebling up! Like you say though that's poker - sometimes the cards are perfect for you and other times there's absolutely nothing you can do apart from put all your chips in only to be amazingly unlucky. Kaz
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Re: **Extreme Value** S.O. Pay Day ($25+$2) - $10,000 Gtd I'll probably be joining the quick exits soon if i don't get any cards quickly ............................... i've had nothing all game. i had AJ once and the only reason i won anything with that is because i stole the pot :cry I think i've played 3 hand :(

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Re: **Extreme Value** S.O. Pay Day ($25+$2) - $10,000 Gtd

I'll probably be joining the quick exits soon if i don't get any cards quickly ............................... i've had nothing all game. i had AJ once and the only reason i won anything with that is because i stole the pot :cry I think i've played 3 hand :(
Out in 79th. :( Was on the same table as lbb, and thatis probably the 'best' I played. Limped with A+, raised with AK and the 2 premium hands I had, QQ and KK. Unfortunately it came when I was a little short-stacked which meant a couple of all in calls. I was down to 390 and within a couple of hands got back to 2k. The hand that did for me was KK-AGAIN!!!:@ 1 limper (150). I raised to 750 (1/2 my stack). He went all in, I called he had 77 and caught a 7 on the turn. Cnut. A plus point is I used my £5 free bet today, and followed 2 horses on ODM's perfect system. 1 won at 11/8 and the other at 3/1. My bluesquare balance now stands just short of £50, so I've still made a profit on the day. :rollin :rollin :rollin
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Re: **Extreme Value** S.O. Pay Day ($25+$2) - $10,000 Gtd

GPWC up to second place. Keep it up!
Cheers. Hopefully my luck can last. I've had two coin-flip all ins which i've won' date=' first where my 33 beat AJ, and then just now my AK beat 66, so i've been fairly lucky. The 33 was against quite a short stack whose blind I tried to steal (I wouldn't normally go all in with 33!!!) but the AK vs 66 was against Plow-King [img']http://punterslounge.com/forum/images/smilies/frown2.gif so I knocked him out. He had about half the number of chips I had and went all in, so I had to call really (sorry again mate). Good luck to everyone still in crossfingers.gif Kaz
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Guest gazza271

Re: **Extreme Value** S.O. Pay Day ($25+$2) - $10,000 Gtd out in 21st, was getting short stacked so went all in with A Q.........Got called by 6 10 and a ten appeared on river:cry

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Re: **Extreme Value** S.O. Pay Day ($25+$2) - $10,000 Gtd I'm out in 15th. Not too bad I guess, considering I haven't played for so long (and certainly not as bad as if I had finished 11th :lol) but i'm a bit disappointed as I was in a great position after the first break and I didn't adjust my play enough as the blinds went up, which cost me in the end. Maybe if I had been playing regularly, and in particular playing lots of MTTs, then I could probably have done a bit better. Mrmuseman is the only one of us left now - and as I type this he's just doubled up and gone from 11th to 7th :clap :nana :cow Good luck mate :hope Kaz

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Re: **Extreme Value** S.O. Pay Day ($25+$2) - $10,000 Gtd Was all set to play in this, then got a call to go to hospital as oldest son had been injured at football - just spent last 3 hours in A & E, can someone remind me why I had kids!! :lol I suppose his broken bone has saved me $27..........or did it? :cry

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