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**Value** SO Dollar Up Lunchtime


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Re: **Value** SO Dollar Up Lunchtime

Superb Pocket Lady - you certainly hit that flop. Do you get Inside Edge? (Free trial with SO accounts) - this months arrived yesterday - theres an article there about hands, that advises, when you hit a monster like that - flat call - give your opponent a chance to hit something that he may think can win - like a flush or a straight or a Full House, but which you have beat. I'll try and dig out the big details after this game for everyone....
Yes waiting for mine - my oppo in that hand was Dodsy! roll.gif
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Re: **Value** SO Dollar Up Lunchtime

my oppo in that hand was Dodsy! roll.gif
You mean you didn't want his chips ??? :loon 4 in the last 20, and all on the same table :lol - you're gonna have to take some PL'rs (even hubbies?) Chips now ......... Yell to him you've got 72o when you have AA....... :lol
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Re: **Value** SO Dollar Up Lunchtime Hi Gaf Thanks for the advice i do seem to loose more hands than i should to flushes usually after the river i only bet 150 after i hit the trips so i guess he got his flush on the cheap i maybe should of bet much more after i hit the trips or maybe i should not have gone all in when i saw there were 3 hearts on the table The first bit is easy to learn ---- bet more If you then get called and a flush against you is possible the difficullt bit is then deceiding whether it is a bluff or not i guess thats what makes the difference between a good player and me!

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Re: **Value** SO Dollar Up Lunchtime

Thanks for the advice
I'm not good enough to give out advice mate :sad What I can do however is highlight things that look strange and it's for you to examine it and decide if you could have played it better or not - all I'm trying to do is draw attention to something, to make you think about it. My gut feel however is that you gave him a cheap draw for a flush when you had trips......
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Re: **Value** SO Dollar Up Lunchtime Out in 10th. Up on the day. I did a little reading that basically said 'raise or fold'. I thought 4 to a straight was a strong position, as everyone was playing extremely cagily, so chanced it a little perhaps. The fact I faced a reraise with not enough of my chips to back me up tells me it was the wrong move. :lol After that it was a case of 'picking my moment' again I got that wrong because BB had a A. Oh well....... Well played everyone. :ok

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Guest gazza271

Re: **Value** SO Dollar Up Lunchtime Part of me was saying just keep on slow playing as there were about 3 others on 5k ish.....what would you folks have done?

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Re: **Value** SO Dollar Up Lunchtime Agree with you Gaf, normally (on the sites I've played anyway) it is english only and usually players are reminded of this. 1st time I've played on Sporting Odds, thought the level of play was really good especially for $1 entry fee. Great value, thanks for drawing this tournament to my attention, I've a feeling I'll be entering again.

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Re: **Value** SO Dollar Up Lunchtime Michael: Hello Telepe, my name is Michael, How may i help you? Telepe: Hello - on the final table of the Dollar Up tournament, there is a lot of non English chat going on, and discussion of cards (I think after the event, but being in a foreign language, not sure) - can you do anything about it? Michael: ok send us an e-mail in to [email protected] and we will investigate Telepe: You can't do anything while it's going on (to stop it now)? Michael: have you got the tournament id Telepe: It's just the "Dollar Up" Michael: is it a STT or a MTT Telepe: MTT Michael: hang on i see if i can do something Telepe: I'm not in it - I had a buddy in it, but I see he's just gone out.... Michael: ok so then it is not to urgent now but send the e-mail anyway and include the names of the offending players and we will check it out Telepe: Thanks Get the impression they weren't too interested....... Not sure there was anything going on that shouldn't have been, but if non-english chat is not allowed, they should be clamping down on it..... Sorry Gazza - missed your exit - what happened......

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Re: **Value** SO Dollar Up Lunchtime

I did a little reading that basically said 'raise or fold'.
I take it to an extreme, at that point and with a small stack, I'm all in or fold - I find people a lot less likely to call an all in than a raise........
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Guest gazza271

Re: **Value** SO Dollar Up Lunchtime had pocket 7's...... Hand #115116451 at table: Dollar Up Started: Wed Oct 12 15:27:39 2005 gazza271 is at seat 1 with 8788.00 gazza271 posts the small blind 800.00 gazza271: 7h, 7c Janomano: --, -- Phoonzang: --, -- netuddmeg: --, -- Tété: --, -- Gerasz: --, -- Jozeph: --, -- Pre-flop: Phoonzang: Fold netuddmeg: Fold Tété: Fold Gerasz: Fold Jozeph: Fold gazza271: Raise 3200.00 Janomano: All in gazza271: All in Showdown: gazza271 shows: 7h, 7c (a pair of Sevens) (high card, Ace) Flop (Board: 9c, As, Ks): Turn (Board: 9c, As, Ks, 3c): River (Board: 9c, As, Ks, 3c, 6d): (a pair of Aces) Mainpot: Janomano wins the pot of 19176 with a pair of Aces (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)

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Re: **Value** SO Dollar Up Lunchtime Think you made the right play, I would have done the same thing (and did with the same result:lol ) Everyone was playing fairly tight and when the table's like that, mid pair looks quite a strong hand, you were just unlucky on the flop. Well done on finishing highest out of the PL's though:clap :clap

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Re: **Value** SO Dollar Up Lunchtime

Cant remember but believe it was a low card...
It's easy to say with hindsight, but a more aggressive all in with your 77 could have caused him to fold with his Ax (It's far easier to go all-in than it is to call all-in). With 77, if you get him to fold, great, if you don't, you're probably favourite (only higher pocket pair is better) - but better to take the pot without the risk of a showdown, and if he pushes you to a showdown (especially with Ax), you are probably favourite. If he had just called you, you would probably have had a very difficult decision on the flop. Chances are you wouldn't have hit a 7, but would have overcards showing.... Having said that, Doddsy is a far better player than me and if he says your play was the right one, then I'm pretty sure it would have been.
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Re: **Value** SO Dollar Up Lunchtime Thanks for the compliment Gaf, but you've called it pretty much spot on. Would rather go all in and try to pick up the blinds as they were getting quite high rather than raise and try to catch a set. As most of the players had similar levels of chips any one holding an Ace was likely to call, I would have thought. This is the sort of thing we need Jezza for!

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Guest gazza271

Re: **Value** SO Dollar Up Lunchtime Cheers folks, I still class myself as inexperienced and am learning all the time so any advice/praise/criticism is welcomed.

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