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Hi All

It's been 10 years since i last posted here, but just wanted to make you aware (in case you don't have the family on facebook/social media)

It's with great sadness that i'm letting you know that Galronix (Eric McKie) who was one of the earlier members in the poker forum during the time of the VC poker leagues and was an active member in the live meets has sadly passed away. He had a few years of bad health and he passed away last tuesday. 

His funeral will be held at Thamesview Crematorium in Gravesend DA12 on Tuesday 25th July at 3pm

Hope everyone's well, All the best


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Thanks Graeme, it's very sad indeed.  I had popped a message on our facebook group as that's where I saw the news. Not too many of the long standing poker members active here these days.  I thought Eric's history probably dated back to Maxim King of Poker days, must look back for the old thread.

Hope you and the family are doing ok.

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