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Adjusting to new Poker sites...

Darlo Fan 1

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I was just wondering how you guys find it adjusting to new Poker software. For the last year or so I have always played at Paradise Poker (played once at Betfair and once on Blue Square) and I think I have got so used to the setup that when ever I try to play anywhere else I find it really difficult to adjust too. I played at Ladbrokes yesterday for the first time in the PL league (no wonder I didnt win! ;)) and I have to ponder much longer over me raising and other people raising where as on Paradise I know what I am going to do in an instant. For example, yesterday I noticed on Ladbrokes that if somebody raises, the chips that actually go infront of them wernt corosponding to the actual raise it asked me to call (does that make sense?) I would really like to use different sites but it just seems like a different game once I step out of Paradise Poker. Paradise is by far my favorite site for software but the actual range of tournaments is a big let down with only about five MTT per day worth playing in, whereas a lot of other sites have them every 30 mins or so. Probably sounds stupid but my brother is the same aswell when he played on Party Poker. :unsure :unsure

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Re: Adjusting to new Poker sites... I play at Paradise Poker not Pacific muze but all the same I know I should be playing at more sites. I thought it was odd at Ladbrokes with the raises thing so that clears that up. I played a $1 tourney there yesterday (yes a whole 1$!) and it only gave you 10 seconds to act so it would speed up. I only went and got timed out when trying to raise AA didnt I! And then the person after me went all in... Grr!

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Re: Adjusting to new Poker sites... Hehe you musta picked one of those speed game ones mate :lol Sorry misread about pacific/paradise. Either way in mine and most others opinions those are two of the not as good sites I would say. I used to go Ladbrokes all the time (theyre software is the best IMO) but I now mainly use William Hill. Its easy there and the players are of the weakest standard overall IMO. :ok

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Re: Adjusting to new Poker sites... Which poker site has the most English players would you say? Is it right to consider us as the weakest players. Obviously we all have our own success but im sick of playing with those damn Americans. I like to play MTT mainly with around 200 in at a maximum for about $30 buy in. I feel this level gets rid of the deadwood and generally gives you a good run for your money.

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Re: Adjusting to new Poker sites...

Which poker site has the most English players would you say? Is it right to consider us as the weakest players. Obviously we all have our own success but im sick of playing with those damn Americans.
Betfair, I understand, is quite strict on not allowing people to open accounts with US addresses. Betfred seems to have quite a few British (including English ;) ) players.
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Re: Adjusting to new Poker sites... Muze, it is good to have a few poor players involved yes, but when you enter freeroles and cheap buy-in tournaments you tend to get thousands involved and people playing (and getting lucky) with bog standard hands. E.g. yesterday in a 1$ ladbrokes tourney I went out with AA to A5 pre flop (2, 3, 4 flopped)... Its calls like that which a higher stakes tourney would eliminate. I tend to know where I stand if its a bigger buy-in.

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Re: Adjusting to new Poker sites... Of course thats a bitch when it does happen but IMO id want to be involved in games were players called all ins with A5o. In the long run youd rake it in. I guess it depends whether you play poker for profit AND fun or JUST fun though. If I were playing purely for fun I probably would want to eliminate these types of poor plays and be involved in a more 'proper' game. But in the interests of long run financial gain I cant see how you can go wrong with having poor players in your games.

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Re: Adjusting to new Poker sites... I started at Ladbrokes and then only tried Betfred when they started these freerolls. I didn't like Betfred at first because it seemed a fair bit slower than Ladbrokes and you seemed to get more sitouts which slowed it even more. However after a couple of weeks I got used to it and as a bonus they do have some good freerolls which I think Ladbrokes have failed to do just lately. I do still think though that the quality of the opposition is tougher on Ladbrokes.

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