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Two 5k added torny's today......


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Re: Two 5k added torny's today...... 136th out of 317 remaining at the break. I was getting a bit short-stacked and just before the break I went all in with the nut flush draw after the flop and got two callers. Last two cards didn't help and I was about to get my coat when I realized I'd won the hand with ace high. eek2.gif

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Re: Two 5k added torny's today...... Out in 186th. I had 98s and the flop was A 10 7, all different suits. One of the short stacks went all in and I called, but then one of the big stacks also went all in and got a caller before me. I'd already committed about a third of my chips and decided I had to go for it. Lost to two pairs, but if the turn or river had produced a J or a 6 then I'd have been on about 12,000 chips.

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Re: Two 5k added torny's today...... Hmm tryna evaluate whether I made a bad play or not. I really thought id take the 4k pot right there by going all in and as I had 6.6k I thought it was worth it. I coulda just raised 1k and I had position so he probably woulda just called and maybe even given me a free river card by checking to me. Quite gutted actually I woulda loved to be in 16th there :( Reminds me why I dont play in MTTs so much, 2 hours for minus 10 bucks. Another day another dollar NB - Just checked on the poker calculator and I was only actually a 46% underdog so shouldnt be too hard on myself :ok

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