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Advice on playing this hand needed

Bruise Pristene

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so I have, only $429 left in a tourney (blinds are up to 50/100) and get dealt &&&&& [[[[[[[[[[ and am in big blind position, two callers so I check out comes [}} $$$$$ ??????? in flop, so I bet, one folds, one calls so its down to two so I call out comes <>? on turn, so I go all in, out comes ---------- turn both our card over and I'm obviously holding 3 Aces, turns out he has [[[[[[[[[[ ~~~~~~~~~~ so beat me on flush.:wall I think this is unlucky to lose this hand, as he has got fcuk all til the river saves him, but I keep losing a lot of hands like this in similar circumstances, where people get lucky on the last. Now common sense tells me if he plays liket his in long term he will eventually lose, but it stil doesn't stop it being fcukin annoying. should I have folded at the turn holding three of a kind Aces?

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Re: Advice on playing this hand needed My gut feel is you made the right choice (especially as you are UTG) and he came out lucky..... The chances for him of drawing a spade were 9 (he doesn't know that you hold a spade) out of 46 - I don't know what his pot odds were, but I doubt he had the odds to call - in reality, his odds were 8/46, because you held a spade. Even if he made it (which he did), he had a low flush and could still have been beat by you. Of course, if he was UTG as well, then he might have been committed to the Pot and had little choice.....

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Re: Advice on playing this hand needed UTG - Under the gun - I think someone here defined it as when you have less than 10 Big Blinds left in you - so it's the stage where you need to act fast before you spend all of your pot in blinds..... Don't pay a massive amount of attention to my thoughts - I like to jump in cos it makes me think about the problem (and I feel improves my game - especially if someone tells me I've got the wrong idea and am talking cr@p) - wait for the more considered thoughts of some of the more established players here......... If you're lucky someone doing well in the PL League might help you out :tongue2 sorry all - I intend to enjoy every second of this while I can!!;)

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Re: Advice on playing this hand needed oh well i guess what goes around comes around, just got dealt a pair of queens in first hand of a tourney, someone goes all in pre flop. I join them, so do another 5 players!!! 7 players all in before flop. anyway, two queens come out in the flop. I win with a quad. I piss myself laughin, 6 players out of 10 eliminated! talk about bizarre extremes of luck

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