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short stacking?

Bruise Pristene

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Re: short stacking? Hi Bruise :) A short stack is technically a player who has LESS than 10 big blinds left infront of them. For example if the blinds had risen to 100/200 in a tournament and you had LESS than 2000 in chips you are a short stack. It becomes extremely critical when you have only 5 big blinds left IMO. (in this example 1000 chips) Personally i think playing the short stack is one of my strengths in poker (probably cos Im always on one! :lol ) The key to playing a short stack well is ultimate aggression. Dont let those blinds whittle you away like a little lamb. You MUST go all in when on a short stack IMO (as long as your hand is decent - for instance any pocket pair) and if you lose at least you went out like a grizzly bear :@ :dude . And if you double up youre right back in the game. This way it puts maximum pressure on your opponents, they simply must have a very nice hand or they cant call you. Youll find yourself stealing many a set of blinds this way and buliding your stack back healthy enough :ok

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Re: short stacking? thanks muze, looking at it from the other point of view, if im down to last three on a tourney table and someone has a short stack. i often find i can bully them, by with a medium hand raising the exact amount of chips they have left, so they have to go all or nothing with me. they often fold, if not i usually take them out with any half decent pair I'm trying to learn poker on the sit and go tournament tables on 888.com, i'm finding unless i get a big hand in the first 6 or 7 hands, my stack gets whittled away and i;m left with a short stack, which i am currently shite at playing. I'm trying to play tight, but with a hand like A4, or A9 or (Ax to be honest), and anything suited. i am calling to see the flop then folding, which unless I hit my hand whittles me away. I'm trying to figure out what the balance is between, being in with a shot in case I might hit a flush/straight/high pair on the flop, and safe guarding my money. And i know what your response to that is, "it depends on your position" ! :ok everything seems to. if you can learn lessons in losing then i will be a master in abot a week :lol

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Re: short stacking? Single table tournies are the best way of learning to play. Single fee and potentially a good hour of poker for it :ok Watch them Aces with small kickers by the way theyre really not very good and i certainly wouldnt be calling with them unless theyre suited and your in late position. Bare in mind with suited cards also the chances of youre flush hitting when you hold suited cards in your hand are 15/1. Not very good at all!

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Re: short stacking?

Bare in mind with suited cards also the chances of youre flush hitting when you hold suited cards in your hand are 15/1. Not very good at all!
I thought it was 12.5 % (about 7/1) ?? Still the principle holds - you're significantly more likely to miss the flush than hit it.....
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Re: short stacking? Nah mate those are the odds of you flopping a flush draw. So a chance of a flush not actually the made flush. Making a flush by the river with 2 suited cards held is 15/1. Its 7.5/1 I think to flop a flush draw. Incidentally the same odds of flopping a set when you hold a pocket pair :ok

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Re: short stacking?

Nah mate those are the odds of you flopping a flush draw. So a chance of a flush not actually the made flush. Making a flush by the river with 2 suited cards held is 15/1. Its 7.5/1 I think to flop a flush draw. Incidentally the same odds of flopping a set when you hold a pocket pair :ok
n1 - cheers :ok (that's why you're going on a cruise and I'm not!!!:ok )
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Re: short stacking? when you quote your odds muzeman, how do you work them out. because the probability of an ace coming out in the flop, for example, depends if someone has an ace which you dont know? an ace coming out of a normal pack woul be 4/52, but if 10 players are in and no one has an ace, it would be 4/32. If i hold an ace, then 3/32

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Re: short stacking? If you don't know someone elses cards, then that is the same for you as cards that are in the pack. So preflop, you know your 2 cards (and assuming you don't hold an ace) - so there are 50 cards left. There are 4 aces - so there are 46 cards that aren't aces. So the probablility of noone getting any aces is: 46/50 * 45/49 * 44/48 * 43/47 * 42/46 * 41/45 * 40/44 * 39/43 = 48.6% So the chance of at least one person having at least one ace is 1 - 0.486 = 51.4%. This has taken a few minutes to do - hopefully someone else has done some similar maths in the meantime and I can check my answer........

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Re: short stacking? Sorry - just realised that I didn't answer the question - so the probability of no aces coming out in the flop (assuming you don't hold an ace) is: 46/50 * 45/49 * 44/48 = 77.4% So the probability of at least one ace coming out in the flop is: 1-0.774=22.6% You're right that the odds would be different if you knew what your opponents held, but as you don't, these are unknowns and the odds of them having or not having an ace are representative of the normal odds (assuming you aren't hazarding a guess based on their betting patterns) - so you ignore the possibility that they hold an ace in their hand....

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