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Aa ?

Bruise Pristene

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hi im not good at poker, was playing a no limit $800 touranment. in first hand I was dealt AA, the player before me put all $800, so i matched him thinking max he can have is AA also, and has not seen any more cards. rest of cards came out, turns out he had 10 and J of hearts. and there were three hearts in middle so he wins, and im out of tourney on my arse!!! is this me being unlucky or stupid? surely if I had AA and someone goes all in before flop (or whatever its called) i have to match dont i?

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Re: Aa ? Course mate theres no better state preflop you can be in than all in with the pocket rockets. Youd be daft not to push it all in Just to confirm you were a 78% favourite with the AA. 78 times from 100 tournaments you would have had a lovely double through to start you on your way in the tourny :ok By the way anyone know what the best hand is to go against aces with all in statistically? Obviously nothings gonna be in great shape! But is J10s about the best thing? NB - Just been playing around on a poker odds calculator and it seems (I think) 56s is the best hand against AA with a 23.1% chance of winning. I'll remember that :ok

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Re: Aa ? I think justice was done, entered another tournament straight away and came 2nd out of 10. won $6 for a $2 entry. first ever profit!!:nana I used to be really bad at poker but I learnt a trick which you guys might think is obvious. now i only play about 1 in 10 hands, let all the mugs bet each others chips away. so far it seems to be working, just need to get some "when to raise/check/fold" etc experience and knowledge, for those hands i do play

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Re: Aa ? Hi bruice, You were just unlucky mate. You were correct in thinking AA is the best starting hand, it certainly is and is a big favourite over anything that goes against it. Of course on the flop and beyond you might have been overtaken by someone, but before the flop you do indeed hold the best hand possible. Glad to hear you are enjoying some online poker....:welcome to this part of the forum mate.... Stick up any other questions/thoughts you have as we have loads of good players here who will be more than willing to answer Jez

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Re: Aa ? thanks Jezz, I just won that next tourney!! beginners luck maybe. this may be a really stupid question, but I have played in $2 tourneys with a prize of $10. if i play for bigger money, does that normally mean a lot better players? I'm guessin it does. also, when you get down to the last three, is there any good tips to try and beat the remaining three (e.g all-ins to intimidate etc)?

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