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Advise On Play Please...

Darlo Fan 1

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Dont normally post much in here but I have just been knocked out of a $60 multi-table tourney on Paradise and I feel I was very unlucky. Blinds are 75/ 150 Im holding Q 10 offsuit on the big blind, small blind calls and there is one more caller. There have been no raises. Flop comes Q (spade) 10 (heart) 9 (heart) Small blind is short stacked and goes all in for 780 (I half expected this with any kind of hand). I raise all-in for 1600 hoping for a one on one and scaring the other guy off any flush/ straight draws. However, other guy also calls and from here I guess im beat. Small blind flips over Q9 but as I turn to the other guy, he is holding J 8 diamonds and has the straight. Nobody is on a flush. Would you guys have played the same way? I honestly dont think I have made any mistake (I certainly dont play J 8 suited) so couldnt put him on that and I was holding the top 2 pair. I guess its just one of those classic un-avoidable poker hands.

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Re: Advise On Play Please... same here... would also go all in to make a heart flush draw pay... J8s.. What position was he in??? Defently a hand i would limp in with once in a while.. Depends on my stack.. But if you can get cheap flop with it. Its okay..

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Re: Advise On Play Please... He was in a bad position about the third person to act and had a below average stack (about 2300 when average is around 3000). Looking back I suppose he could have had JK then fair enough but its just a bit sickening cos I was really focused on this one. I had my Kaiser Chiefs CD on and everything :lol

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Re: Advise On Play Please... no, have to say I would have done the exact same play as you there.. but a word of warning that I now take very seriously is that, with the increase in popularity of Poker nowadays, you meet new players all the time that will just about play and re-rise with any hand including 3,8o when the flop comes 2,2,2. there are plenty of maniacs playing now and it makes it, next to impossible to guess what they are calling on. I have had so many of theses situations go against me lately that I have considered going to save my dosh up for the PREMIUM tables where you are talking at least $200 entry fee. It would make more sense to me the way things are going....

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Re: Advise On Play Please... Hi Darlo, You did nothing wrong here mate. The problem is your position relative to the other players. Even with blinds this big if you had been last to act and seen something like a huge bet, a call, a raise all in and another call you could have safely mucked your top two knowing someone had KJ. However against the small blind you are definately going to play, and with such a draw heavy board and blinds this big you were correct to move in over the top - just a bit of a brutal cold deck :o Jez

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