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Advice needed

Sir Puntalot

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Ok, I got through to level 4 of the rounders at Bet365, but I can't help feeling that I am about go into unknown territory. I've always been good at card games, so the fact that I've only been playing 6 weeks doesn't make me feel inferior to be honest, but I do know that the level of play is about to go up. I'm thinking I should go back and finish off my poker book before I tackle level 4, or do you think that's a bit extreme? Without sounding arrogant, money isn't an issue, I want to win, I love to win. :) I know I'm a lot better now than when I first started and have learned a lot, mainly because I have had time to play a shitload, but is level 4 too much for me at the mo? Decisions, Decisions. :nana

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Re: Advice needed The only way to find out is to give it a go ................ good luck paul :ok If I remember rightly you can also use your credits to enter lower levels and try to accumulate more credits, so if you are not sure about entering the next level you can try and build up a cushion before trying it

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Re: Advice needed Go for it mate..... You've got nothing to lose....it will be great experience if nothing else. Just go in there and be tight but aggressive....be the bully later on when the blinds are large if you have chips...give nothing away if you think you are beat... Let us know how you get on. Jez

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Re: Advice needed There is not that much difference between level 3 and level 4 in my experience. The big change comes from level 2 to level 3 because only 2 players qualify from level 2 and 4 from level 3. There was a thread on betfair recently where a good player who regularly wins advised only to play level 3. Any tokens won do not have to be used on the next level, they can be re used at any level so his tactics were to regularly play level 3 and accumalte tokens until he had sufficent to play level 5 and view it as a "free" game. His theory was it offered good value for money on level 3 with a 6/4 return for finishing in the top 4. Level 4 only offers an even money return. So I would suggest playing again at level 3 (assuming you have only played the one game there) as it took me a while to adjust my strategy to playing at this level (it is very different to level 2) If you get a bad beat you still have another chance. If you do decide to play level 4 then don't be too afraid. 5th place is a win and follow Jezza's advice. As for level 5 - well I haven't got that far yet.

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Re: Advice needed I used to spend a lot of time playing prima rounders, entering direct into L3 with quite a bit of success. L1 and L2 are definitely the hardest as a previous poster says, but L4 is the easiest not L3, because half the table goes through on L4 as oppose to L3 which progresses 4 (and gives pos. 5 a useless L2 token). I use the approach of trying to get 1.5 times the tokens needed to enter the next level, so with 1 L4 entry i'd play another L3, if you win then fail on L4 you have a fallback L3 entry. If you win try and establish a fallback L4 entry before playing L5 - can be time consuming and sometimes will see you totally bust playing for insurance tokens, but its a lot easier to progress 5/5 with stack size unimportant than it is to win on L5. On play - tight, 4 or 5 from the table progress so normal STT strategy goes out of the window. You will have to play tho, the rest of the table will be v tight also and you'll definitely get blinded if you're too passive. GL and post back letting us know how you got on!

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