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Do you have records of your poker sessions ?

Sir Puntalot

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Re: Do you have records of your poker sessions ? i dont. :o But i think i should have done it.. And should have invested in pokertracker i think its called.. Where you can see what you do, and what others doo, in certain situations.. Dont know if it keeps stats, on your winnings/(loosing) and the time you spend on dooing it... Maybe other now that.. But i dont keep an record.. I have it all in my head, and i know im a winner. :rollin / cains

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Re: Do you have records of your poker sessions ? I keep a simplified record system. Nothing as fancy as many pros but loosely on a piece of paper I have a grid of seven days, divided up into morning afternoon and night. A keep track of my balance at the end of each period and a total for the end of the day, and week. Basically the idea being i can see what days are loosing days and what time of days are better for me. Seems I do best in the early morning and late at night. Seems people are in a hurry at these times either going to work or going to bed or tired or drunk or whatever. Ive also noticed that I suffer the most varience on a Sunday. I either win a HELLAVALOT or loose a HELLAVALOT. I put this down to the fact that many many total newcommers play sunday, and while they are great, when your sat at a table of 9 of em if you dont find some cards your pretty much doomed. They dont know when they should fold damnit!

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Re: Do you have records of your poker sessions ? I don't use poker tracker (yet). I do think its very important to keep a record though as with any betting/gambling/investing ;) You need to know how much you are winning or losing. It is also useful to look back on when analysing your performance. I just keep a basic spreadsheet: date, no. players, buy-in, time, P/L, etc - different criteria depending on what game you're playing, i.e. stts, mtts or cash games

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Re: Do you have records of your poker sessions ? Yep...I use pokertracker and keep my own win/loss records as well Pokertracker is excellent...it tells you your winrate per hour at every level you have played at...your total win/loss and all the stats on your hands you could hope for. Well worth the 50 bucks.... I keep my own records as well because pokertracker does not support every site out there, only the major ones. I dont do anything fancy just daily profit/loss split down into individual sites and a running total + past yearly totals. If you dont take online poker that seriously or dont really mind if you win/lose then you dont really have to keep careful records. Its more for the more serious rather than casual player, or if you are just wanting to make money - if you fall into the latter categorys then you have to be honest with yourself and record every day! Jez

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Re: Do you have records of your poker sessions ? Hi All, I think id probably like to start keeping records at some point, but im still very much a casual player, even though i do play most nights. Im also not playing cash games at the moment only STT's and MTT free rolls. Apart from what Jezza has already said, I also think its beneficial to keep records so you can decide when to move up a level (as in pay more for buy ins etc.) I came across this spreadsheet that Cains is kindly hosting, which I will try and use and looks quite good. You can download it by clicking the url below. http://fw.dyndns.dk/stt.xls

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Re: Do you have records of your poker sessions ? I'm similar to a few people here in that i just use a basic spreadsheet to analyse out wins/losses and profit/loss etc. I also split it into the sites i play on (up on Paradise, down on bet365) I'll say at the minute its a good idea cos i'm currently well in profit for the level I play at - thanks in some way to a recent PL win.....;) Haven't yet started anlaysing past hands or owt like that yet though. Does anyone think this is really important regardless of the stakes used and time spent? Currently I hover round the very low stake limit cash games and the $5 STTs playing approx five hours a week but I'm wanting to play more.

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Re: Do you have records of your poker sessions ? Yeah I keep quite a few records of my poker play. Of course I keep the bog standard stuff such as profit/loss and time spent but also keep detailed notes on players I come into contact with, mostly at cash games. Personally, I think it's vital to keep notes on other players. I do analyse my hands mostly on a sunday night, depending on how often I have played during the week. Like to see where my mistakes were and how I could have/should have played the hand. As Jezza says though, the level of detail you take on your records will depend if you are a serious or casual player.

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