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BPP/Focus May


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Re: BPP/Focus May Do we have a winner, or did you just make the table up after this happened? :tongue2 Guppie;1392410 I presume fenner's reign is over and I need to award a new one, so assuming I'm reading the table correctly - congratulations Guppie. :clap This does not mean you get to keep it all summer, I shall take it off you at the end of the month. :lol (How come I never made it to BPP all the time I kept the table)
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Re: BPP/Focus May He did say last night that he had retained it (Warbirds needed 3rd and I needed 7th ... I think) - but that he was thinking of voiding it because he created the scoring system :unsure Sounds a nonsense to me - it was created beforehand and known by all and with the scoring system adopted, he won on merit - whatever faults there may be with the points system are irelevent - he won fair and square :ok Well done Guppie(BPP) :clap :clap :clap
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Re: BPP/Focus May I like the idea of a flat-rate scoring system. Say 10 7 5 4 3 2 1 for the top 7 PL finishers regardless of number of runners. This makes it a fair reflection of how we compare against each other as opposed to against the poker world in general. Most more complicated scoring systems will usually be too weighted to the odd 1000 runner MTT that we play and I really don't see why we can't just compare how we did against each other rather than how much we won or how many people we beat. :unsure:unsure:unsure
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Re: BPP/Focus May [quote=Dodger;1398126]I like the idea of a flat-rate scoring system. Say 10 7 5 4 3 2 1 for the top 7 PL finishers regardless of number of runners. This makes it a fair reflection of how we compare against each other as opposed to against the poker world in general. Most more complicated scoring systems will usually be too weighted to the odd 1000 runner MTT that we play and I really don't see why we can't just compare how we did against each other rather than how much we won or how many people we beat. :unsure:unsure:unsure[/quote] only problem with that is, its a disadvantage to those who can't play every night for whatever reason. It will generally be the players who can play most nights at the top of the league at the end of the month and that's not really a reflection of the Best Poker Player (BPP).
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Re: BPP/Focus May I think the goal will also be too far from the proper goal, of profit maximisation - the BPP winner would be the player who most consistently limped furthest, rather than the player who cashes most....
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Re: BPP/Focus May ooblio;1398194 my original thought was to go on prize money...then thought that wouldn't work as many can't afford the higher buy-ins...so losing out to the bigger scores. So I binned the idea. With 2 A levels in maths I am ashamed that I didn't have ooblio's idea which sounds pretty good to me. :eyes I think the original system was putting too much work onto the mods so they are looking for a simpler scoring system. Although the old system seemed to work well...you maybe need a Superman to hold it all together! Always appreciated the work that GaF put into that table...even more so now! :notworthy :ok
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Re: BPP/Focus May [quote=Dodger;1398319] I think the original system was putting too much work onto the mods so they are looking for a simpler scoring system. Although the old system seemed to work well...you maybe need a Superman to hold it all together! [/quote] where there isn't a Gaf there's a Gaz! ;)
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