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PP Mag Winner $1k added promo


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Re: PP Mag Winner $1k added promo

Oh if I had a pound for every correct prediction I made this year, I'd have in the region of..... err £1 :D But my belief in the awesomeness of fellow PL'ers would run into many '000s. Well done guys, brilliant as always :nana
Cheers Bart, i actually tried to play again on Friday night.........the Boyle 1k added. Quite expensive to play but occasionally i dabble. Well i late late registered just before the 2 hour cut off which left me in an action now position. I played 7 hands, had went from 5k to 9k chips to then lose connection for 1.5 hours. Finally got it back to have 275 chips left! Finished 20th only 5 short of the money! I actually vowed that i was retiring for 2014 as i didnt think todays tourney would go ahead. Late check and got in with 10 mins to spare. I might still retire for this year and come back next year now but thats taken my profit to over 1k now. Happy with that.
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