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PP Mag Winner $1k added promo


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PP mag special promo on Sunday at 6pm, $1k added $15 + $1.5 NL hold'em. Can only be joined by new players signing up through their link. Not sure if I'm supposed to put a link to someone else's promo, so if it needs to be removed fair enough. Link here: go to their web site. I signed up and tried to register and I was blocked from doing so... There are currently 0 entries so I'm guessing it's a b0rked promotion. Tourney needs 10 runners minimum, might be worth having a go and see if you can get in, because you might be up for some crazy value if you manage to get in!

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Re: PP Mag Winner $1k added promo

PP mag special promo on Sunday at 6pm, $1k added $15 + $1.5 NL hold'em. Can only be joined by new players signing up through their link. Not sure if I'm supposed to put a link to someone else's promo, so if it needs to be removed fair enough. Link here: go to their web site. I signed up and tried to register and I was blocked from doing so... There are currently 0 entries so I'm guessing it's a b0rked promotion. Tourney needs 10 runners minimum, might be worth having a go and see if you can get in, because you might be up for some crazy value if you manage to get in!
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Re: PP Mag Winner $1k added promo I've got some of it... think it must be given in stages. Not sure what triggers the stages because I haven't spent anything on the site yet and have got the second stage. £6 now from 10... Tim has emailed me about the tourney and they've tried to change it from a restricted tournament to a password protected instead, but it doesn't seem to have worked. As has been said still 0 players regged so it's very unlikely it's going to go ahead now. Will keep having a try this afternoon while I watch the footie.

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Re: PP Mag Winner $1k added promo 1st in, 1st out for me, ha. Made an awful call on turn vs Mr fish. Then lost with AQ vs AK blind on blind. Never mind, I had already settled for it not going ahead in my mind so there was little emotional investment. Hope someone gets a nice score.

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Re: PP Mag Winner $1k added promo UL turn for you Repton, Busted :( 5th Jam K8s v 10s Pre, make the Flush on Turn but Full house for 10s on River, busted out the Big Ben tourney on Full Tilt too after bossing the table for 1.25 hours :-( Hopefully I can score decent in the 2.5gtd on WH later. GL on any MTTs you guys are playing today.

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Re: PP Mag Winner $1k added promo Got to announce that i was zammaz74 :-) Taken me a while to post because the game left me exhausted. Entered the last 4 well behind and needed some bravery to keep aggressive. Managed to get back into things and when it looked like the bubble would burst Mr Gray found a huge slice of luck with a 4 on the river doubling him up. I was sat here with my son on the rail and he was on an agreed 50% of the winnings along with his mum. I was shouting NO FOURS NO FOURS NO FOURS..... On went the game and Mr Gray ran into my Kings - he was surely dead this time - down to only 600 chips. Next hand went three-way to take out Mark. I hit mid-pair on a low flop and thought that might be enough. Damn the dealer when he sent down two more cards to make it a 34567 board...ah well a split pot.......nope Mr Gray has A8 and triples up!! On the game went and on and on.......... Finally it was the Owl that ran into the chip leaders AT and the bubble burst. My pocket 44s went straight in and this time it was my turn to find a huge slice of luck beating 99 with a straight. I think i beat Mark again with pocket kings leaving me heads up just behind YouveHeardofMe Managed to win the bigger pots and lost the little ones and fairly quickly got well ahead. Stayed patient to constant shoving on my blind until i called with AJ.... enough to take it down! Ive won nothing in poker of late so there was elation at the end - jumping around the house chanting champione! Been a while coming :nana

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Re: PP Mag Winner $1k added promo

Keep heart Si, it will come/come back, even variance can't be consistently bad for too long a spell. :ok
Oh if I had a pound for every correct prediction I made this year, I'd have in the region of..... err £1 :D But my belief in the awesomeness of fellow PL'ers would run into many '000s. Well done guys, brilliant as always :nana
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