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The perfect website

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Hey everyone, first of all I'd like to make clear that I'm looking for ideas and advice and am not trying to sell anything. So here's a quick story about me before I fill you in with my website idea: I'm betting since I turned 18 and have always been good with computers. I made my share amount of money during the years and would like to give back while realizing a dream of mine, my own website. During the years I developed algorithms for most of the big sports like American Football(NFL, NCAAF, CFL), European Football/Soccer (spanish, british, german, italian, french league) Basketball (NBA, NCAAB), Baseball (MLB), Hockey (NHL) and Tennis. Those algorithms aren't perfect but they are always a big factor when I decide who to bet on. I think it's time for me to make the results of my algorithm public. I also have a subscription to a few handicappers who I've been with for years now and who I trust. I have accounts at over 30 different sportsbooks but only currently use 8 of them since those are the ones that always treated me well. Now on to my idea and thank you for still reading this: I'd like to create a website where you can see the live odds of the upcoming games for the sports mentioned above. I know, there are hundreds of websites like this. Therefore, I'd like to add the following features. Other then the date/time of the matchup I also want to display: - the best odds available (only showing the odds of the 8 sportsbooks that I can, after years of working with them, trust). - what the users of the website think (you can vote on one team who think people should bet on without having to register or anything) Here comes the special part: - I'd like to also show what winning percentage my algorithm calculated for each team - I will also display how many of the handicappers that I trust are going to be betting on Team A and how many on Team B Here comes the question this all led up to: What do you think I should add to make this website the one that displays everything you need? What do you look for in a betting website? What would your perfect website look like? Thank you very much for your support

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Re: The perfect website Hi, OddOdds, :welcome to the forum! You have very interesting nick. :) Thank you for deciding to share the idea with us and ask for opinions! The task you undertook is very ambitious, it's almost impossible to create a perfect site, because each user has his own ideas what perfect sites would look like, but hey-ho, you should follow your dream, and who knows, one day you might have a site that 99% of visitors believe is perfect! :) Now, let me comment on your questions...

Other then the date/time of the matchup I also want to display: - the best odds available (only showing the odds of the 8 sportsbooks that I can, after years of working with them, trust). - what the users of the website think (you can vote on one team who think people should bet on without having to register or anything) Here comes the special part: - I'd like to also show what winning percentage my algorithm calculated for each team - I will also display how many of the handicappers that I trust are going to be betting on Team A and how many on Team B
Unfortunatelly, I know for several sites that already display first three items from your list. And there are probably more sites that I'm not aware of. As for the fourth item, how many handicappers bet on each team, I don't know of such a site, but there are sites that display picks of their own tipsters, which is again similar feature. Anyway, those are always interesting and appealing sites, and it depends only on quality of your picks and attraction and usability of your design whether your site will succeed or not. If predictions of your algorithms provide some nice winning picks, people will come back for more, regardless of your site design. If your predictions are not really good, but you provide useful and easy-to-read statistics, "stats-minded" punters will also keep visiting the site.
What do you think I should add to make this website the one that displays everything you need? What do you look for in a betting website? What would your perfect website look like?
I have two features in my mind at the moment: - I said above there are already sites that offer data you mentioned. However, none of them offers good customization options. That means, they display everything they have in a way they want, so I need to look for the data I want through the rainforest of data. There are so many sports, leagues and markets offered for betting nowadays, and I am old-fashioned bettor who rarely looks for something else than 1X2 and Over/Under markets in top EU and South Ameruican leagues, so I want the option to display only what I want; I don't need Chinese second league and Slovakian third western league, or scorecast or whatever other exotic bet... In addition, a visitor should be able to filter matches based on odds, teams stats (league position, points, number of goals, current form, etc.), your estimated "value" of the bet (whether odds estimated by your algorithm are lower or higher than odds actually offered by bookmakers), etc. - Your data should be downloadable into Excel, and nicely formatted (both on site and in Excel), so I can simply download it and/or print for later reading, without much hassle to format it, or without printing 20 pages out of which 15 will be half-blank. I hope someone else will come with more ideas. In the meantime, you might want to check these two threads where people had similar intention ans asked similar questions like you (so you can also include the comments found there), but we've never heard of them again: http://forum.punterslounge.com/threads/117247-want-some-input-from-stats-minded-punters http://forum.punterslounge.com/threads/126698-Help-me-creating-the-Perfect-soccer-stats-outcome-prediction-site Hope you'll manage to get your site up and running, and let us see it! :ok
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