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Twisted Poker


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Most of the sites such as Ipoker seem now to be offering what they call innovative poker games. They seem to me to be simply a vehicle to drag more money from players without increasing rack. The latest incarnation is Twister poker, a 3 handed turbo Sit&go. You are supposed to see a wheel before the torny starts showing the prize you are playing for which could be up to a 1000x the $1 stake at the lowest levels. In my case I have now played 14 of the pre twister version and 3 of the twister. In the twister case I don't even see the wheel I assume because I don't have a stand alone flash player. Its an add on to the firefox browser. Not that i need to see the wheel. Because in every case where I have won I have won $2 the minimum prize which considering every sit & go has a buyin of $3 is an enormous rip off. Think i'll stick to normal sit & go's and happily pay the rake.

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Re: Twisted Poker These twister games appear to have a rake of 7% which isn't to bad especially at micro levels on iPoker , but obviously the volume you have to play to be sure of playing 1000x and indeed winning 1 is very high. On the side note of getting in against junk hands , yes in-game is very frustrating when you lose especially when deep and all money is at the top , but opens up more opportunities for you to create a big stack with hands like AQoff & 1010 bit more risky but hell of a lot more rewarding for your stack when you hold

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Re: Twisted Poker

sad times? don't you mean WOO HOO! poker is math and when the math is in your favor and you play correctly then you make money over the long run....
exactly, rather play a donk open shoving junk then a solid player who will out play me :) Ofoucrse I will get sucked out on but in the long run I will win (unless I'm not as good as I thought)
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Re: Twisted Poker

sad times? don't you mean WOO HOO! poker is math and when the math is in your favor and you play correctly then you make money over the long run....
Hard to disagree with the math argument however its not quite as simple as that. In cash games and sngs I agree. Tournaments are entirely different though and when you have 100's more donks than the usual it adds to what is already a high variance field. I would much rather play against 100 people who know what they are doing than 100 people playing 'flips'. You cant read these people and have to expect any hand by the time you get to the river decreasing your value range. I've seen that first hand this last few months. If you keep having to be allin you will eventually lose and very few hands have an opponent massively crushed preflop. In a good structured tournament good players can make the money without ever being allin because they have an edge on softer players. But a player willing to constantly move or even call allin with any two removes a lot of that edge. I dunno. whichever way I look at it I think its bad for the game. Give me a table of soft players over a bunch of super turbo enthusiasts any day.
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Re: Twisted Poker Think wolf hit the nail on the head , we have more edge on soft players than these hyper LAG's but that is the evolution of the game , the down side to strategy being everywhere these days , but it's still good fun for those of us up for the challenge/ride. Obvs we'd all like to print money and with hard work and willingness to improve and adapt we can still profit

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