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double yo money


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Re: double yo money The rules are there for a reason. Please click on the link below and take note of them. [h=3]Glory Hunters Forum RULES[/h] ================================================================== Just a couple of pointers............... Post 7......It's your job to post the bet properly. Post 12....Trade out, how do other members know whether you actually did or not? Post 24....Do not edit posts containing bets. Both Smithy and yourself could do with leaving out the language. With over 3,000 posts on the forum you should be more aware of how to do things properly. If you are going to run a thread on here please make a better effort at keeping it tidy and within the rules or run the risk of getting the thread deleted.

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Re: double yo money first off, language? post 7, i disagree, the bet was posted properly, if people wanna know the exact minute, what colour the refs wearing thats up to them post 12, clearly answered in post 13, if a 5th goal was scored i'd have to prove i traded out, as the game ended 2-2 all i did by trading out was cost myself a few quid post 24, first off lets be serious, i posted and edited it the same minute, hardly likely to have been a massive swing in the odds or situation in a minute, in actual fact the reason i edited it was because in my haste to publish the bet i didnt realise nz hit a single off the last bowl of the over and as such didnt want to publish the score as 213 after 41 overs when it was actually 214 ergo, my thread is within the rules

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Re: double yo money first off, language? Although it was not quite offensive or vulgar I thought it best to advise about future usage to avoid any further possible infractions. ========================================================= post 7, i disagree, the bet was posted properly, if people wanna know the exact minute, what colour the refs wearing thats up to them Post regular bets BEFORE the event. Post in-play bets AS SOON AS the bet has been made. Include all relevant information to each bet, minimal: date, event and time, selection, odds, stake. Here also there is no fixed format as long as it's clear what the bet is. ========================================================== post 12, clearly answered in post 13, if a 5th goal was scored i'd have to prove i traded out, as the game ended 2-2 all i did by trading out was cost myself a few quid No need to wait to be asked. You could have just posted the trade anyway. That one can lie but it could act as a reminder for future 'trades'. =========================================================== post 24, first off lets be serious, i posted and edited it the same minute, hardly likely to have been a massive swing in the odds or situation in a minute, in actual fact the reason i edited it was because in my haste to publish the bet i didnt realise nz hit a single off the last bowl of the over and as such didnt want to publish the score as 213 after 41 overs when it was actually 214 - Absolutely NO EDITING of posts containing selections. Results (or correcting mistakes) are to be added in a new post quoting the post with selections. You can continuously edit the thread title or top post to show the current status of the hunt. Edits create doubt as it may appear bets have been changed afterwards, even when this is not the case at all. No editing means no hassle. ============================================================ ergo, my thread is within the rules. ======================= The idea is to keep things on an even keel. Other members manage to do it and it helps to have a modicum of uniformity, hence the rules. When they are ignored/mis-read it may encourage others to do the same which we can do without.

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