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Betfred Top Service NOT

Burnley Joe

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Betfred great service - Emailed them to ask about why i lost connections late last nite, but other sites all fine Even though i put my full name on the email, i get a response addressed to Clare! So i write back then get this Please accept my apologies on behalf on my colleague giving the wrong name though please note that Clare is the name that shows registered to this email address. That will because the email is claremadcats! My response ... Dont bother because you obvously cannot be arsed to even check that as a customer of 7 years i am even male or female, even though with a name like Joseph, it could be a bit difficult and i have to agree that it could be 50/50 nowadays with names like James, Derek and Dave being used by women, but i do appreciate and understand that with an email address like claremadcats my name could be clare because its in my email address, and i am guessing that after reading this you will probably think i am mad and probably a cat? If you wish i can send in photo ID of me and my dog? I await a response within the next year as your service is so great and by that time i could even be a mature cat! JG

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