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Evening Buy a share Micro Low MTT Package


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About me I'm Lewis Sinclair from Orkney age 21, I've been on the forum for a about a year, although I've only started posting for about 1 month I love the community that this forum has in the poker section. I am a $2.50 180 man grinder, and I also play the $2.20R tournaments as they are so easy to cash, I am currently unemployed so I see this time as a great way to get better at my poker game, I've been reading books over the past few days and with coaching from my friend who plays sit and go's I have seen a massive improvement in my game and skill, I am always keen to learn new things about the game of poker as I find that every day you learn something new. The Package So tonight I am wanting to play some Micro-Low MTT's I don't have the BR to play these so I am posting up a Buy a share to help me get into these selected tournaments which I feel can be profitable. I know that I am not the best player in the world, but you got to start somewhere, and with the help of my friend I am hoping that I can be turned into a winner. The whole package needs to sell to be able to play so I am selling 100% of this package. All unused units will be shipped back straight away. http://officialpokerrankings.com/pokerstars/IAmThebes578/poker/results/0473AD2EAFDE42669AB7B53BFD22295B.html?t=2 my stats over the past few days, I know not the best but I am wanting to do better. 19:00 The Big $11 19:15 $1.10 $60K GTD 13 Units @$14.10 19:30 $5.50 1Reby and 1 add on at @ $16.50 20:00 $5.50 Turbo $10K GTD 20:30 $3.30R 12 Units @ $15.30 21:00 $5.50 2 Reby and 1 Add on @ $22.00 = $84.40 5% $4.22 10% $8.44 15% $12.66 Please ship funds to IAmThebes578

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Re: Evening Buy a share Micro Low MTT Package 0Magic14 is currently taking a short break away from the forum. He was asked to refrain from posting staking requests and to refrain from contacting members directly looking for staking but chose on numerous occasions to ignore these requests.

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