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Taking a Break


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Its been long overdue....... I have not been enjoying the game for some months now and with the added trouble that i have ongoing problems with one of my children with doctor/hospital visits etc, you get the picture this is what is probably affecting my game. I have never really stepped away from poker on a long term basis, or never had a break so will continue to play the odd game here and there, but at the moment i have no enthusiasm to play poker as it has all become a bit of a chore. The break hopefully will do me good and i am hoping will find my love again for the game. I will still be looking in on the forum, so come on lads please post up your winnings and give Oobs a run for his money :lol Best of luck to you all :ok

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Re: Taking a Break Fair enough mate sure you'll come back stronger than ever :ok A break will be good for you, Poker can be a cruel mental game not sure I could handle it more than the few times a week I play! Anyway, good luck in whatever you decide to do during the break, I'm off to chase Oobs down :\

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Re: Taking a Break gl mate keep us posted how your doing u are a true grinder mate im like that now too as it does take a hell of a lot of your time playing this and for me family get ignored due to this im kinda cutting back playing as well due to work commitments and family like yourself may play a game here or there once in a while and stay on this forum as I thinks its great here gl mate

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Re: Taking a Break Not before time, Rivrd!:ok Hope everything sorts itself out in the real life!:hope:hope:hope When the best player on PL is taking a break it should be noted :clap I took a 2 week break around 4 years ago.....and I'm still on it! Best decision I ever made.....think I would be a single man if I'd carried on playing each night (and I was a winning player):loon Memories are great, but sadly, I must admit, there's more to life than Poker!:sad TQM

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Re: Taking a Break Just seen this. If you´ve not been enjoying the daily grind then you are right to give it up for a while. Poker can get hold of you and sometimes you do need to step back and smell the flowers. I myself just can´t do the volume that you manage and if you have family issues on top I can´t see how you can play your 'A' game. Hold up, didnt you win the 200k on ipoker not that long ago? :p Best wishes to you and yours and we´ll see you back on the tables eventually. Remember- they ain´t going anywhere! In the meantime, Oobs is the (false) leader of the moneypack.

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Re: Taking a Break Hi Matey. Yep silly me just noticed this after you texting me. Hope all goes well, and all i can suggest is when you do return, you play for yourself, when, and how you want. Playing for other's does become a chore. Poker is fun, bar the 98% badbeats :/

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