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DanShots Phase 1 Ended in £288 profit


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Re: Micro Value Chaser So back up over a $150 + so breaking even for the month , have qualified for the Red Spade Open $55 Tourney on Stars though for $5.70 so anything in that will shape up nicely on the BR and P/L for month maybe even get lucky draw for a shot at bounty. Part my idea behind qualifying for a bigger tourney something not tried in a while is because of the buzz it adds , might look at putting some volume in on making cash out of the sats in future as seem softer than normal fields

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Re: DanShots Quest for Glory Well after positive start to the day qualifting for both Red Spade and Storm for a combine $14.70 I end up losing a further $45 on stars mainly due to my tilt but factor in a horrible run of luck and have me lost of all my earlier confidence yet again its a fierce cycle I get myself in which hurts as poker is one the things that can build my confidence too

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Re: DanShots Quest for Glory Played one tourney on >Betfair : Pokertube added value : 5 paid with top 6 get tickets to Final , where 18 players play for 2 Packages to >Betfair Live Prague , I bubble in 7th with AK>99 of chip leader who raised every hand just happened to have a hand when I played back I only had 8.5 bigs and my table was 3 handed so thought was too big hand to risk blinding away. Anyways going to take a few days off recharge batteries , well thats the plan as feeling pretty worn out by getting hopes up of a break and then getting tortured by the deck. So a couple of days off is probably the best idea and hope to come back a stronger more refreshed player.

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No luck in todays freerolls , have $30 on Stars where going to grind Zoom Challenge starting at 2NL will move up around $75 Opened up the grind with 1023 Hands winning $10.40 EV was $7.56 , played small ball mostly only like 2 pots over $3 and won both. May Cash Flow : + $22.10 - £1 Sent from my GT-I9100P using PL Forum

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Re: DanShots Quest for Glory Continued playing Zoom poker again this evening with another 1007hands of 2NL didn't get off to the brightest start was down just over $4 but brought it back near end of the session to end up a $2.67 winner though EV says -$0.85 , but didn't seem to be on the right side of coolers so not to surprised. Also enjoyed playing Stud Hi/Lo in Variant League where finished 2nd outta 7 in a enjoyable game for $4.20 Would like to move up to 5NL with my roll but its spread on Ipoker to so going to grind it up to at least $70 on stars before taking a shot. May Cash Flow : + $26.77 -£1

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Re: DanShots Quest for Glory Played quick 15min zoom session where drop a little under 2 2NL buy ins but picked up $3.30 back over a few heads up games before going to pub to finish a quick session down 49c , I prefer longer sessions probably try get in some hands tomorrow. May Cash Flow : + $26.28 +£2.21

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Re: DanShots Quest for Glory So yesterday had a nice session could been a bit better if didn't bubble the $27 SCOOP sat twice , still picked up 1 $27 SCOOP Ticket & 1 $7.50 SCOOP Ticket , as well as winning on the HU SnGs for $14.02 May Cash Flow : = $40.30 +£2.21

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Cashed in the Storm last night had play really patient when in money , even folding Jacks off 14BB stack after 12BB open jammed and a bigger stack reshoved for about 25BB , they had AQ and QQ so was happy there but card dead after that eventually triple my 5BB up AK into 33 & 66 before 3 bet shove A10 over a minraise open who has AQ after folding ace rag so many times thought time take stand. So top 3k finish outta 35k plus for $24.68 from 100fpp :-) Also picked up another two scoop tickets [$11 & $27) Sent from my GT-I9100P using PL Forum

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Re: DanShots Quest for Glory Well at a nice profitable day yesterday on Stars unfortunately was due a bad day and that came today just couldn't get anything going at all despite concentrating on PLO HU but hit that downswing and wiped out most of yesterdays profits and not sure what to play as trying not to chase my day's losses. But hard to focus on lower buy in's when down $50 and want to win so bad .... I'm resisting temptation now so hopefully can come back fresh tomorrow. Or play a few Micro's if think can play close to A-Game May Cash Flow : $85.92 +£2.21

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Re: DanShots Quest for Glory

Enjoy your night off Dan' date=' treat yourself to a doughnut, coffee, bit of chocolate or whatever your guilty pleasure is, tomorrow is another day :ok[/quote'] Thanks :) got half a bag of Haribo , though me and my GF are trying a healthy diet and going try get to gym as the stress of unemployment is getting bit annoying for both us
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Re: DanShots Quest for Glory So considering I hit a tilt evening on Sunday luckily managed to pull it back after suffering a series of bad beats , I still need to work on my game composure as when I'm think correctly I seem to be able to dictate table flow much better than when I let opponents get in to my head. I really want to be able to put in grind time but I was can't get in any decent volume where I don't get called away to do something. That said I still hoping to close out a big score after managing to cash get my hopes up of a deep run to just go card dead. That said looking like another profitable month (trying to persuade the GF that is better to keep bankroll than withdraw) though she has now decided she wants to play but doesn't want me to watch her play so is frustrating when I can just give basic tips but she seems to think its just luck and looks at all moves results oriented. May Cash Flow: +$138.93 +£2.21

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Re: DanShots Quest for Glory So took a bit of a knock today the of $7.18 , but still not too bad still deliberating over whether to play the 8 Game SCOOP tomorrow as its a bit out of my bankroll but might try a satellite into it or two because I feel I'm massively plus EV given that my ROI is 50% on Stars mixed games and within the big field is likely to be soo many players who misplay lots of the games or get out of line in limit pots thinking value. May Cash Flow : + $131.75

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Had a pretty awful morning at the tables today took bit of a break to watch the football and cool runnings (what a classic). Will play a few MTTs after some food and hopefully luck will turn around. Sent from my GT-I9100P using PL Forum

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Re: DanShots Quest for Glory Despite a $30+ loss today well this morning , still up $18.48 since my last cash flow update so the month total just tipped past $150 profit. Hoping to get more volume in next month if can find time to concentrate and focus without distractions. May Cash Flow : $150.21

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Re: DanShots Quest for Glory Currently on major tilt blown through 50% of my remaining bankroll ($140) and just can't shake the bad beats is really frustrating and I don't know why it is happening I focusing on heads up and playing well but my hands won't hold and can't win a flip , so frustrating already taken it out on myself

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Re: DanShots Quest for Glory So Phase 1 was somewhat successful could been better if hadn't blow half my BR on Monday but I will begin a 2nd Phase with my new goals and a lighter schedule of play and a very important new rule that is that main thing that should help keep me on straight and narrow path to more hopeful success :) Thanks for the support and advice everyone that is on Punters Lounge Part 1 Ended in Roughfully £288 profit not to bad for a hobby and certainly better than being a losing player.

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