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Re: Why Bookmakers Win & I'm a Total & Utter Prick....!!!!

Ticking along ok until yesterday…. Not pulling up any trees at all but not showing any major loss and reasonably happy with form. Impatient to hit that illusive winning streak – just ok. [ATTACH]3976[/ATTACH] Then out of the blue comes the ill-disciplined T*** that I thought was dead and buried. To be clear, I have never chased in my life and god willing, never will but what I did next defies belief!!! With my ratings telling me not to lay Purple and Gold and the market screaming at me not to do it, I completely misread the market signals and laid the beast at a massive 4.8 – even with money pouring onto the nag in the 7 or 8 minutes before the off, I just froze and watched.... Greed? Possibly – more likely complete stubbornness on my part but despite the horses best efforts to lose the race the horse hacked up doing the proverbial cartwheels…. [ATTACH]3977[/ATTACH] To compound this complete, unprofessional, dumb, ****wit excuse for gambling, I lambast myself severely and although I have picked out my plays for the 10th I decide that the best plan of action is to re-group. I’m not feeling particularly tilted but there is a danger – I’m more just just annoyed with myself and I’ve got my daughter to look after so I decide to just leave it for the day… Obviously, it doesn’t even need saying but successful lays of The Mongoose, Haftohaf & Handsome Stranger have cleverly been avoided. Added to which, what would have been a losing bet on Mucky Molly and a winning one on Lowther at 9/2 have been skilfully ducked. So quite brilliantly, this one act of ill-discipline has left me one and a half points up for the year where I should be showing a clear profit of more like 10.5. Apologies for anything that is construed as after-timing but I urge all of you to develop a more steely, less tilty, nobbish, arse****, idiotic, foolish and more disciplined approach!!! As it stands, I am considering downing tools until February. I’m so fcuking cross with myself that for the first time in literally years, I do not trust myself to go near the computer…. :@
We are all human, we all make mistakes. Ar$e kicked, youve done that. Emotions will always come into it at some time or other. If you take till feb off, can you put everything out of your mind? Can you not look at a result? Have you got that strength? Here is what i would do FORGET about the last 48 hours. Its Jan 1st tommorow, and you have a 1.5 points head start. And get back to a more steely, less tilty, nobbish, arse****, idiotic, foolish and more disciplined approach!!!

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