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If anyone needs any help ..


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Hi guys, As i told some of you last night on the paradise table .. i play poker for a living .. i also sports bet but mainly on USA sports which is my speciality i guess although i do venture into football , tennis sometimes ( huge bet on nancy tonite in french ligue 2). Anyway what i wanted too let you know is this .. any questions about poker .. help or anything else .. im quite happy to give it to anyone .. like for e.g starting hands , value , %'s of starting hands , odds of hiting stright or flush after a flop .. stuff like this anyway .. just here too help if anyone needs it. :D

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Re: If anyone needs any help .. Hi Mockler and welcome to the forum :dude Whereabouts do you play on the net? You will see most of us are on the prima network/paradise/ladbrokes. Stick yourself down in the sites and usernames thread above as Im sure we will probably have crossed at some point in the past! Jez

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Re: If anyone needs any help .. Hiya guys, Thanks for the welcome .. appreciated. A little about myself then .. Im 29 yrs old .. live in Stockton on tees(just near Middlesbrough) .. ive got a young daughter but i still live with my parents lol after the break up off my relationship:) Its easy here as my dad is a rich f*cker .. ive been gambling professionaly for about 6 years .. before that i was a nightclub manager for my dads club .. done some doorman work too .. the usual shit. Ive been playing poker now for about 2 and half years .. started in a little toruney and came 1st .. won 4500$ and that got me hooked. Since then ive made the final table 6 times out of 23 on paradise poker (20k and 50k events) and have probably ammased around 70000$ from poker alone last year .. easy when you know how. I also play live tournaments which are my favourites but im not always able too go play the casinos etc. This year ive started slowly .. currently down 3500$ but im working my way up as i was 7k down .. im confident in the way i play .. im sure ill be knocking on the 50k door again this year. Im an avid fan of US Sports .. especially NFL (go 49ers!) but i love wagering US sports .. shame no NHL this season as that is my most profitable sport :cry MLB is just around the corner and i will be contributing my picks too the site. I play poker mostly at Pokerstars , Paradise Poker and William Hill (so easy too make money of there in cash games!). Well my fingers are dud and im gonna make some football picks .. got crushed last night overall with bristol and southend laming not mention bundesliga .. alkthough Nancy did come through. Thanks guys!

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Re: If anyone needs any help .. Mockler, know Stockton quite well, i worked on Portrack Lane for about 5yrs when i lived in Hartlepool, and a couple of my mates lived at Thornaby. Good times!! You seem to be doing ok since you took up Poker, the figures you mention though are just a fantasy compared with what i play for. I prefer the STT's, i just feel more comfortable, but what do you consider the advantages of playing 'cash' games, its something i think by reading posts like yours, Gettin's and Jezza's that i must now consider. Thanks for the input and keep us in touch with your progress.

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Re: If anyone needs any help .. Hiya Billy, Cash games are a diffrent world from STT's and MTT's .. they have too be played differently .. for a start bluffing means a lot and if you get it wrong you can lose alot of money .. also many starting hands you call in tourney's , you dont dream off calling in a cash game .. thing is i play big stake cash tables .. usually 40-80$ blinds or in a casino ill play maybe 150-75 pound blinds .. so my starting hands too a call are very limited .. ill give you some examples .. AA-KK-QQ are pre flop raises or calls to big raises .. even all in hands. Then comes .. AK-AQ SUITED .. these hands i will usually call too a big raise and i will make a big raise with AK suited .. off suit-i would call AK but fold AQ. AJ or anything lower .. you FOLD too a big raise ..suited its worth a call too a lower raise. JJ-TT-99 etc .. these cards are worth a call too a low-medium raise .. but dont raise with these hands ... as you want too see a flop for as cheap as you can hoping too hit your trips .. if a low card flop comes .. these hands are useful. 88-77 and lower .. you fold too any Medium raise .. you it costs you too much trying too find trips on the flop. Blinds 40-80$ .. a low raise is anything between 81$ and 100$ .. a medium raise is about double the starting blind .. hence 160$ .. a big raise is anything above this. Hope this helps for starters .. anything else dont hesitate ok Glen

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Re: If anyone needs any help .. Thats interesting as with most people here, your stakes are much higher. I generally play $.50/$1 tables, or maybe $1/$2. Bascially just wondering what hands you would raise pre flop, and with what hands I should fold. I personally hate games where there are loads of pre-flops, as I never have the balls to go for it with crap hands. Also with low stakes like that, how often should you bluff and go for raising with crap cards? New to all this, but trying to learn! Sco

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Re: If anyone needs any help .. Hi Mockler just started playing online myself and entered my first tounaments a couple of nights ago on Betfair ... in the first (£10 buy-in) there were 580 players and I came 110th . I was really chuffed even though the money started at 50-61. In the second I reached the final table and came 4th (only 50 entrants and 3 prizes) and I reckon if I had completely stayed out of the action I could have got 2nd as the other guys were going "mad" all in's every hand. I went out with KQ suited in the end and lost to pocket 10's I got hooked after going to Vegas in the late ninties and happened to be there for the World Champs. Not really managed to get any mates into it locally but recently a group of 15-20 play each week in a small tourny (£20 buy-in). Won it last week and I felt I played really well. Anyway I thought I'd chip in with my own advise and that is to get yourself a couple of books on the subject. I bought a book on Poker tells and the first game with my mates was a revelation... seeing them copy the exact mannerisms in the book was frightening. Only problem was I could spot the tells but couldn't remember if the book said strong/bluff. Since then I have not failed to make the last 4 (although it's tricky coz alot of them are really loose and play anything) The other book is by Cloutier & McEvoy and this also taught me alot about which hands to play/fold and blew some of the myths away. While I'm folding 45 Suited my mates are all playing such hands. The summary pages in the book reflect Mocklers advise above and the hardest thing I find when playing online is patience. I have also bought Texas Calculatem software which is great for working out odds on the fly and it does it automatically without you having to type hole cards .. awesome.. the best thing is when it flashes up you are holding the nuts and cannot be beaten something which takes me a while to work out myself as I'm normally shi**ing myself with a big hand. It also shows the odds of other players possible hands and that's great for the times you don't spot a flush / straight etc... All my mates play Paradise as well so I think I'll take a look at that. Cheers Mike

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Re: If anyone needs any help .. Hi all, Played my second and third game last night (on Paradise) 3$ entries, finished 121st from 149 in the first game and 43rd from 150+ (i think) in the next game, I got down to 115 chips at one point but 10 mins later i was up to 9700, I've still alot to learn. A couple of things i'm not sure about.... Flush In the event of two ace flushes turning up, how is the winner decided? Does it go to the best second or even third card etc or does the money get split equally? Does the caller lose even? Seating Is there an advantage to be had when sitting in a certain position to the dealer? Would i be right in saying there could be an advantage if you are furthest away from the dealer? Any help appreciated :ok

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Re: If anyone needs any help .. I think if two people have an ace-high flush (ie. the ace is one of the community cards) then it goes to whoever has the next highest card of that suit. There are definitely advantages to be had in being in what's called "late position." Basically you can see what other people are doing before you act. If everyone up to you folds then you can play a marginal hand which you might have just normally thrown away. The reverse is true if you're in "early position." You might have a good hand, but you've no idea how many others are going to raise or call you. I'll root through some books and see if I can find a better explaination.

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Re: If anyone needs any help .. Alright Punter! If i remember rightly wsop stands for world series of poker, someone else can probably confirm that. :unsure Rag refers to a card that is not of any value to a player's hand and Crypto server .......................... buggered if i know.:lol As far as i know the bonus code is just for your initial deposit .............. though they may have some special promotions now and again. hope that helped a bit :ok

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Re: If anyone needs any help .. Oh yeah and to answer you question about flushes, its as run dmc said. If both players have an ace high flush i.e. the ace is one of the comunity cards- then the player with the highest card of that suit would win. Therefore if you had the King (or highest card that isn't on the board) then you would know you had the best possible flush (assuming it wasn't possible for anyone to have a stright flush) If a full house also isn't possible (there are no pairs on the board) then you are holding "the Nuts" - the best hand possible with the cards on the board.:cow If your opponent is backing his flush you can be happy in the knowledge that you can't lose................. Its just a matter of trying to squeeze as much money out of them as possible. :dude On the other hand if you only have low cards, you have the distinct possibility that your opponent could have the better hand and you could be walking into trouble. In this case you have to make a judgement call based on your read of the player and what you think he has. One of the hardest things in poker is folding big hands, but sometimes it has to be done. :cry

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Re: If anyone needs any help .. I managed to cobble together this little piece about the importance of position from a couple of books I've got. I've changed a few line and words so we don't get sued by anyone. Position is perhaps the most undervalued component of good hold ‘em play. It’s easy to see that bigger cards are better, suited is better than non-suited, and if there’s raising going on, you need a stronger hand to play. However, many (if not most) low-limit hold ‘em players make their playing decisions without considering their position. If you play without careful attention to your position, your bankroll will suffer. By acting after other players, you know what they will do (check, bet, etc.) before they know what you will do on a given betting round; this gives you an advantage. For instance, suppose you have a very strong hand. If your opponent acts before you and bets, then you raise. If he checks, you bet. Regardless of his action, you get the maximum amount of money in the pot. On the other hand, if you’re first to act, then you must decide between betting immediately, hoping he will call, or trying to check-raise. If you check with the intent of raising and he checks too, you have lost the bet you would have made had you bet and he called. Here’s another example of the importance of position. Suppose you have 55 as your starting hand. If you are first to act after the flop, normally you shouldn’t call – you need a lot of opponents to play small pairs. Suppose you call with your 55 in early position. If the next player to your left raises and scares out the other players, you now wish you hadn’t called the original bet. However, suppose you are on the button. If someone raises early and limits the pot to two players, you fold, knowing you’re doing the right thing. But if six players call in front of you and there’s no raise, you can call with your fives. Simply being closer to the button means you have more information about how many opponents you will have and how much you’ll have to invest, enabling you to play this hand.

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Re: If anyone needs any help .. i don't think that the flush was explained from all angles reading through, if there was a flush on the board the player with the highest card wouldn't necessarely win he must beat one of the cards on the board or else it'd be split if neither could beat the board. If you see what i mean ;). GL with your poker :ok

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Re: If anyone needs any help .. Does anybody play those big tournaments on Paradise... $1 Big Buck tourneys which are on a night (tonights is @ 9pm) and usually has 3000 entries. And the free one where the top 100 get a seat to another big tourney and the top three of that win a seat to the Paradise Millions Main Event in Match (1.5m dollars prize pool)? I came 121st out of 3200 last night and 127th previously. I just cant break into the top 100. I was in 22nd last night and could have played safe but blew it completely. Anybody entering the Paradise Millions event? If you cant qualify through the ranks then its a $600 buy in. I would love to get there.

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Re: If anyone needs any help .. Yeah Darlo, I've entered the freeroll and got into the top 100 (last week), think I finished 84th but got no where in the freeroll final where its only the top 3 win a seat. Went out after an hour or so. Would love to enter into the main event but think I'm going to have to win via satellite rather than paying $600 buy in. There's also promotions on Tuesday's and Thursdays with $2 tournaments to win a seat into the Paradise Millions but I've had no luck at them yet either.

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