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Tuesday PL Exclusive - Coral Added Value June League - Grand Final 3rd July


Tuesday PL Exclusive - Coral Added Value June League - Grand Final 3rd July  

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Re: Tuesday PL Exclusive - Coral Added Value June League - Leg 3 on 19th June Unfortunately there will not be a Coral league in July The platform is moving to iPoker soon and once that is done, we may get more leagues in the future. Thanks to Coral for their support over the last few months

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Re: Tuesday PL Exclusive - Coral Added Value June League - Leg 3 on 19th June

Unfortunately there will not be a Coral league in July The platform is moving to iPoker soon and once that is done, we may get more leagues in the future. Thanks to Coral for their support over the last few months
All good things must come to an end:(. Thanks to G, PL nad Coral for the ride though. Cheers will be back if they are:ok
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Re: Tuesday PL Exclusive - Coral Added Value June League - Leg 3 on 19th June

Thanks to Coral for their support over the last few months
+1, thanks Coral, very much appreciated :ok Might be worth the final winners playing their tickets fairly soon to avoid any transitional problems/change of tournament buyins/formats/structures etc. Guessing we don't have an e.t.a. yet so probably got a few weeks though.
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Re: Tuesday PL Exclusive - Coral Added Value June League - Grand Final 3rd July Just missing superfoo from the line up tonight. PM sent, 2 hours to reg, hope you can make it. Edit: If anyone has his mobile number, can you please drop him a quick text, cheers :cheers

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Re: Tuesday PL Exclusive - Coral Added Value June League - Grand Final 3rd July

Good luck all for Final :ok Do we assume the July league game at 8pm is a mistake? I see 2 players have regged for this...
i have texted Morls but he is in Vegas, join and play anyway and we will sort later
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Re: Tuesday PL Exclusive - Coral Added Value June League - Grand Final 3rd July

Just missing superfoo from the line up tonight. PM sent, 2 hours to reg, hope you can make it. Edit: If anyone has his mobile number, can you please drop him a quick text, cheers :cheers
Apologies to those I rang around trying to get hold of foo, I actually had his number all the time and he's been in touch, I'm such a noob :$ Final all sorted, gl all :ok
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Re: Tuesday PL Exclusive - Coral Added Value June League - Grand Final 3rd July Wp everyone. Best of luck to Spit, Teaulc & MissHoolie in their respective tournaments :hope @Suz: might be worth a quick call to Coral support and see if they would swap it for a proper tournament? Not sure what happened in previous months?

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Re: Tuesday PL Exclusive - Coral Added Value June League - Grand Final 3rd July Well played everyone and congrats to Spit and Teaulc :clap:clap:clap @Bart I might just do that although a trip to Malta sounds nice :) Just seems wrong to be playing a $210 game with 1 chip LOL A HUGE thank you to PL and Coral :clap:clap:clap

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Re: Tuesday PL Exclusive - Coral Added Value June League - Grand Final 3rd July Cheers Bart, really pleased with the win :) Hopefully I can turn it in to a nice cash as Quasar did last week. Gl to Teaulc and Misshoolie with their seats, and thanks again to Coral and PL for the great prizes :clap

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Re: Tuesday PL Exclusive - Coral Added Value June League - Leg 4 on 26th June

Ongame special mate...
oh yes, gl in your game mate, and to Miss Hoolie as well,hope you can get something sorted Suzi, i am tempted by the GSOP Malta in September,but not going to rush into a decision
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Re: Tuesday PL Exclusive - Coral Added Value June League - Grand Final 3rd July Congrats to the cashers :notworthy I cannot bring optimal game in these finals and gamble in wrong moments :spank. Good luck in those big tournaments! My repush into a reraise from chipleader (he had KK) with AJ on the bubble was pretty tragical idea :wall About the 3rd place prize, thought it's better to arrange it with Coral in advance rather than changing it for every league afterwards, may be 200$ championships ticket would be better. That's it, if we gonna have more leagues there :) Edit: Oh ok, I just read, after move to ipoker there will be different prizes anyway.

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Re: Tuesday PL Exclusive - Coral Added Value June League - Grand Final 3rd July Decided to go for it :) 3 packages and 39 regged so far with 2 days to go :/ Can you all cross fingers/toes/everything at 18.50 on Sunday please ;) Edit...just noticed there is a $320 3k/15 min blind game with 6 seats so going to ring Coral and ask if I can pay the extra and play this instead.

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