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Lynch gets licence back !!

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I heard the disappointing news that F Lynch and J Egan have been issued with Irish licenses. Lynch a few years ago admitted stopping a horse for reward , fled to the US but his past caught up with him and he was forced to stop riding. He was refused a British license last year and but was granted a Spanish one which he has been using to ride in Ireland. Lets hope this is not a stepping stone for him to get back into Britain. J Egan is a jockey who encounters trouble whichever country he goes ,including Hong Kong where was arrested for suspicion of race fixing along with K Fallon . I personally have suspected him of many dodgy rides over the years. I'd like to see the authorities take firm action against any jockey who is found guilty of any sort of wrongdoing within their profession , like issuing life bans or lengthy bans of 5 years or more. This would be a better deterrent than the current system. If it was in place then I'm sure more jockeys would be genuine unlike , Fallon , J Quinn , Williamson , Milzarek , Reilly , Browne , Mckeown , Fitzptrick , Ferris , Doe , Chin , Fairley , Winston , Fletcher , Williams etc etc...........................

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Re: Lynch gets licence back !!

What worries me is that it isn't the ones we know about' date=' it's the ones that we still don't know about.[/quote'] Very true , I didn't want to make that list too in case some members on here got upset. Will just add 1 more ...........Culhane ( in my opinion )
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