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New to Online Poker


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Hi Guys, Great forum! :ok I've just been playing online poker for a week now, started with the 2.25+.25 MTTs and Freerolls and now moved up to the £5/£10 STTs. I have won one, came 2nd in 2 out of about 8 STT. Is that a good ratio? What do people mostly play on? Is it STT, MTT or cash games? And how long and how much do you win/lose in a week? I can see it's easy to get addicted too. :\

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Re: New to Online Poker Hi kungfumaster and welcome to the forum :ok Glad to see you are enjoying online poker - I used to play a lot of STT's and agree they are very enjoyable and good value for money. Nowadays I stick mainly to cash poker - but be very careful if you play in a cash game and dont go above stakes you are comfortable with... I play for HOURS hehe - 6 hours a day probably at a guess, you are right its VERY addictive and enjoyable. As long as you keep your head and dont throw money away - play a solid game and dont go in over your head then online poker is there to be enjoyed and maybe even make a buck or two out of. If you have any question at all on playing or sites or whatever then just post them up in here.... Jez

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Re: New to Online Poker Hi Kungfumaster, I'm new to the forum and online poker too, and it is very addictive! Well done on winning, I know its just a small tourny, but when I won my first one be it for $25 I was all pleased with myself :clap especially as there were bullys at the table! I was pretty chuffed with myself as I was averaging 1st, or 2nd in about 3 out of 4 of the STTs, which I guess is well above my share - as with luck if there are ten people playing surely the general average would be one win in every ten games (I'm not really up on the stats or odds or anything like that though, I think Jezza is the one to let you know all about that). In any case, I was all pleased with myself, though now I'm finding my average is going down! :cry A mixture of crappy hands and fronting up to the bullies at the wrong time I'm afraid - but all good lessons to be learned. Where online do you play?

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Re: New to Online Poker I play on cash at billyhills a lot KFM, under the nick SuperJez (I dont really play the tournaments a lot tho, whats your nick) Sorry to hear about the rivers but believe me it happens to every poker player with alarming frequency. As long as you are aggressive with your good hands, betting them hard - they have to pay to hit that river card and the majority of the time they wont and you will take down the $$$. If this is the case then (I know its hard to see it now but trust me its true) eventually it will all come around and you will win in the long run. Be very careful however if you are allowing people to see cheap turn and river cards as if you allow this to happen then end up losing a massive pot when the other person has overtaken you you only have yourself to blame (we have all done it from time to time!!) Jez

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Re: New to Online Poker I tend not to play at Billy Hill for a few reasons 1) I always seem to get rubbish hands there (and have now developed a superstition about the site - also was being beaten there by river hands a lot). 2) the graphics and stuff I find too fussy 3) The blokes there can be a bit mean to poor little me - just because I'm a girl and my competitiveness and desire to not let them win usually ends up with me making stupid decisions. So far I like Ladbrokes better, but then again I am still new to it all! Don't give up though, just take a break and go back to it with fresh eyes and a fresh mind, I find my mood and attitude can affect how I play.

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