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Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4


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Re: Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4

Guys - really sorry to disappoint but i went out shortly before the money. Just after my hugh bad beat winning hand most fo the table goes into lockdown as everyone wants to make the money. There is still 6 to go which can sometimes take a very long time. I have 60k ish and i say i will only play premium hands as i myself try to limp itm. Next hand UTG min raises (he is mega stack) - I look down to be greeted with qq. Think for a split second and shove knowing UTG could easily be light as he has been min-raising all day from any position with nothing. Even if he calls i ma in good shape barring a disaster. He calls with AKo and sure enough Ace on river ......boo! Annoyingly the worlds fastest bubble bursts literally 5 mins later......
Very ul Andy, Rich.. one of my fellow mods on another site was also playing and he too went out in the same sequence (officially just 1 place before you I believe). He said exactly the same. You did us proud buddy :ok and still have talking about poker to fall back on ;) Enjoy the remainder of your stay :beer
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Re: Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4 my hotel internet was down when i got back yesterday so couldnt post up, what an amazing hand Andy`s AJ was,everyone was stunned, but the poker gods are cruel, when he had doubled like he had with that hand i was sure he was going to cash then,but fate decreed it was gonna bite his ass and give him a terrible decision to make,fold QQ and limp into the money or go for glory,no contest really,he had to go for glory.....very unlucky on the river for him and rightly so he was gutted,even more so when 5 minutes later the bubble burst,6 players busted within 5 minutes was unbelievable usually the bubble lasts a lot longer than that. not sure if he went to the players party or not,it didnt start til midnight and an old boy like me is way past stupid a clock times for partying,hopefully he drowned his sorrows til early morning,darent text him yet just in case. plans for today a bit os shopping and sightseeing. good to meet deadlydave at last and also to meet Dawn Cook,who ooblio also had a stake in,who won the ladies tournament. wil give a man hug to Andy for you all later on, see you all soon on the tables :ok

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