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Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4


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Re: Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4 just gone out unfortunately, had a good start in the 1st hour moving up to 25k, then it all went wrong. i ran QQ into QQ and then with JJ i raised with player to my left calling,flop is low,i raise he re raises big time,i fold and show JJ,he shows JJ :sad then same player again,i raise with AK flop AK4 hearts,i raise he calls,turn nowt,i raise again he calls,river another heart,i have to check and he shows Ace spades / J hearts :( , later with JJ again i raise with the same player calling,flop low again,i raise he calls,turn nothing and i raise he calls,river a club for a flush showing on the board,i bet he calls with KK,then for most of the day i was hovering around the 10k mark,got moved tables at dinner time and won a pot 1st hand,so that was encouraging. anyway my exit hand i have AJ hearts with 8500 chips,i raise utg for 900 with blinds at 200/400 ante 50. 1 caller, flop 2 hearts and i raise 2250,villain re raises 10k,i could fold and lose what i have put in with the blinds hitting me next so losing 4k or call with the amount of outs i had,called and he showed QQ,turn and river no help for me. did the best i could with what i had on the day but it wasnt to be. Andy Bell spent most of today on feature table as the Dutch Playboy Model is on the same table,jammy git,and doing well.so good luck to him. Lucart was out early evening Riga time,his flush against a better flush i believe,ul mate. thanks to my stakers for their faith in me.

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Re: Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4 Good to see the PL shirt get an airing :ok Nice shades - and is he making a long list to count the number of times he says: "What a great player I am" "What a lucky player I am" "What a handsome player I am" "What great shades I have" "I'm so much better at Omaha" Table broke up just at the break - hope he takes his luck/form to his new table :hope

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Re: Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4

just gone out unfortunately, had a good start in the 1st hour moving up to 25k, then it all went wrong. i ran QQ into QQ and then with JJ i raised with player to my left calling,flop is low,i raise he re raises big time,i fold and show JJ,he shows JJ :sad then same player again,i raise with AK flop AK4 hearts,i raise he calls,turn nowt,i raise again he calls,river another heart,i have to check and he shows Ace spades / J hearts :( , later with JJ again i raise with the same player calling,flop low again,i raise he calls,turn nothing and i raise he calls,river a club for a flush showing on the board,i bet he calls with KK,then for most of the day i was hovering around the 10k mark,got moved tables at dinner time and won a pot 1st hand,so that was encouraging. anyway my exit hand i have AJ hearts with 8500 chips,i raise utg for 900 with blinds at 200/400 ante 50. 1 caller, flop 2 hearts and i raise 2250,villain re raises 10k,i could fold and lose what i have put in with the blinds hitting me next so losing 4k or call with the amount of outs i had,called and he showed QQ,turn and river no help for me. did the best i could with what i had on the day but it wasnt to be. Andy Bell spent most of today on feature table as the Dutch Playboy Model is on the same table,jammy git,and doing well.so good luck to him. Lucart was out early evening Riga time,his flush against a better flush i believe,ul mate. thanks to my stakers for their faith in me.
Unlucky Al. Sounds like the poker gods were against you this time :sad
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Re: Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4

Good to see the PL shirt get an airing :ok Nice shades - and is he making a long list to count the number of times he says: "What a great player I am" "What a lucky player I am" "What a handsome player I am" "What great shades I have" "I'm so much better at Omaha" Table broke up just at the break - hope he takes his luck/form to his new table :hope
was just trying to get the number fo the playboy model!
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Re: Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4 Thanks everyone. Will be trying my best.....just need a double up and I am back in the game.....anything can happen - the main thing is that I am still in the tournament. Good chance I will be on the TV table again from the start as there are several very good pros on my table and the TV crew guy text me last night to say there is high chance of it again.

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Re: Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4 my action (short) was on board Jd8d6x 3d i have KdQd diamonds i bet 6.5K on pot 11K and guy call and river 2d :@ but i have my last 8.5K (he have this same stack) i go allin he instant call with AdQc met yesterday for a nice girl: D today have a double date :D GL Andy. eat fish today :hope:cheers

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Re: Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4

my action (short) was on board Jd8d6x 3d i have KdQd diamonds i bet 6.5K on pot 11K and guy call and river 2d :@ but i have my last 8.5K (he have this same stack) i go allin he instant call with AdQc met yesterday for a nice girl: D today have a double date :D GL Andy. eat fish today :hope:cheers
Are you sure it wasnt Andys boyfriend? :lol
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Re: Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4

Do you mean Paul? :lol ofc no, She have name Gariella and Baiba :)
I forgot to tell you. Girls in Riga come up to you in a bar, then you buy drinks for them the rest of the night, then they sneak off later :p Nearly happened to me, but i am too tight with my money :rollin
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Re: Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4 Has Henri Kasper just suffered the worst beat of this season? All in preflop with Qd.gifQc.gif against Andrew Bell’s Ad.gifJh.gif, the flop was Qh.gifJc.gifJd.gif, Kasper flopped a full house and Bell was drawing to just one out. The Ts.gif turn changed nothing and Bell said, “Case jack?” Somebody was listening. The Js.gif appeared on the river to stunned groans from the entire table as Kasper eliminated as a result. He could still win the watch for worst beat of the season though… Only circa 7 more players to the bubble now.

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Re: Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4

Has Henri Kasper just suffered the worst beat of this season? All in preflop with Qd.gifQc.gif against Andrew Bell’s Ad.gifJh.gif, the flop was Qh.gifJc.gifJd.gif, Kasper flopped a full house and Bell was drawing to just one out. The Ts.gif turn changed nothing and Bell said, “Case jack?” Somebody was listening. The Js.gif appeared on the river to stunned groans from the entire table as Kasper eliminated as a result. He could still win the watch for worst beat of the season though… Only circa 7 more players to the bubble now.
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (lucky fecker lol)
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Re: Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4 Guys - really sorry to disappoint but i went out shortly before the money. Just after my hugh bad beat winning hand most fo the table goes into lockdown as everyone wants to make the money. There is still 6 to go which can sometimes take a very long time. I have 60k ish and i say i will only play premium hands as i myself try to limp itm. Next hand UTG min raises (he is mega stack) - I look down to be greeted with qq. Think for a split second and shove knowing UTG could easily be light as he has been min-raising all day from any position with nothing. Even if he calls i ma in good shape barring a disaster. He calls with AKo and sure enough Ace on river ......boo! Annoyingly the worlds fastest bubble bursts literally 5 mins later......

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