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PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - November STT Final Weds 30th


PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - November STT Final Weds 30th  

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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added November - Leg 3 on 16th Nove My fault you cashed joe. When you were down to $450 in big blind, I got distracted on another site and auto folded my small blind when action folded round to me. Gave you nearly $2000. Good game Hector but bizzare early on when I got A10 and flopped 2 pair and Gemic reraised all in with AK. At same moment I got A10 two pair on Bwin aand again AK reraised me all in. And they both hit their King on the river. Enough to send you on tilt for life

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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added November - Leg 4 on 23rd Nove Spent 2 hours this evening battling with a (non-poker related) customer service team based in the U.S. and yeah you guessed it.. international number and they refused to call me back. Don't worry I will be billing them, re-steal ftw! :cigar :spank So apologises if I appeared a little stressed or failed to respond with anyone tonight, hopefully didn't, certainly not intentional. Calmed down pretty quick as was amongst friends :cheers Thx in particular to SteveO for his thoughts on one of our key hands, it's always great how members are always willing to help each other to think through hands and collectively improve our games. MuchO appreciatedO SteveO ;) Won't share the hand as I played it poorly and got totally Owned, but hey whats new :rollin Gl those still in and ofc to those making the final :clap

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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - November STT Final Weds 30t Well done to Scooper our winning qualifier tonight. :clap And good luck to our final 10 for next week, who are:

PLUsernameBlue Square/GCasino
Congratulations go to Burnley Joe who is crowned league champion without playing tonight. :clap And to Glennop, who did play, and managed to improve his score by just 1 point to secure the spoon with half as many points as his nearest rival. :ok:lol Another one to complete his set. :p
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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - November STT Final Weds 30t

And to Glennop' date=' who did play, and managed to improve his score by just 1 point to secure the spoon with half as many points as his nearest rival. :ok[/quote'] Thanks Helen, don't know how i managed to go so long without one :loon
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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - November STT Final Weds 30t Fantastic final once again, played in great spirit as always. The HU actually started early (with 3 left) as I was getting short stacked and was (correctly) being bullied left, right & centre. Awesome HU guys, great to watch and hats off to you both. Many congrats Pete, I'm really made up for you... a superb player and great guy. Long overdue chance at the GUKPT and you will be a fantastic ambassador for PL as Steve has been too :clap Very best of luck to you mate in your chosen tour :hope Ul Steve, but I have no doubt that you will make it in via the satty, especially if I'm playing in it :lol Great game, wp all.

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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - November STT Final Weds 30t final result: poti_35f_u0.jpg :nana What a Last hand! jfer_8ad_u0.jpg I was in with 10,10 HectorMcG goes all in, I call to see he's got KQ. A,10,8 on the flop, Scary , Don't want a Jack Turn King, River King! Gives me a Full House! Great Heads up Hector thought you had me a couple of times. Good luck to you and Bart in the sattelites. Many Thanks to Bluesquare And Punters Lounge for the Chance to play a GUKPT . Wow! :ok

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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - November STT Final Weds 30t Well done Pete :notworthy A couple of good calls of iffy river bluffs from me :$, and a well deserved win. Main reason for not chatting too much was that I was on holiday in Egypt (2 hours ahead of us), and the only place with reasonable Internet connection was in one of the bars. They're not overly keen on gambling there, so I was playing on a small version of the table, toggling over to Firefox if anyone passed. Managed OK until they turned all the lights off at midnight (10pm UK time - 2nd break), after which I couldn't make out any of the keys on my keyboard at all :lol Even with a decent chip lead when down to 3, then 2, the main prize seemed to be a long way away. Enjoy your day(s) in the spotlight Pete - you've got a solid game, and will thrive there :ok

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