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PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - November STT Final Weds 30th


PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added - November STT Final Weds 30th  

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Re: PL Exclusive GUKPT League - November - Leg 1 on 2nd November

blue sq username is whowantsin and blue sq nickname is riveruagain so unsure which id you use for league chaps ?:unsure
Blue Square nickname (riveruagain) is your name in the lobby, so that's the one you'll see in the League Table - good luck :ok
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Re: PL Exclusive GUKPT League - November - Leg 1 on 2nd November

not happy, i regged this morning for the league, they took my money and i am not playing :@:@:@ not a happy bunny as my money has still gone
I could have sworn that I had registered for this on Monday, yet I had to register again tonight. Usually home from work late on a Wednesday, so glad I finished on time for a change - those 2 points will come in handy :lol However, only the one buy-in taken from my account :unsure
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Re: PL Exclusive GUKPT League - November - Leg 1 on 2nd November i regged about 7.30am when it said october league like i said on the phone earlier, money has gone from my account and cant find it anywhere, not even in my transaction history. would have been nice to have re regged by them if they had cancelled it, or at least emailed

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Re: PL Exclusive GUKPT League - November - Leg 1 on 2nd November

i regged about 7.30am when it said october league like i said on the phone earlier, money has gone from my account and cant find it anywhere, not even in my transaction history. would have been nice to have re regged by them if they had cancelled it, or at least emailed
Ill get onto David in the morning for you mate, i know it dont help with the league game but we'll get your cash back:ok
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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added November - Leg 1 on 2nd Novem Finding Nemo quote: Marlin: The question is Dory, are you hungry? Dory: Hungry? Why? Marlin: 'Cause you're about to eat my bubbles! Wp sir, looks like we're all in your wake chasing your bubbles. Great game once again and :nana at 38 (& a half) runners. See you all next week :ok

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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added November - Leg 1 on 2nd Novem Well done nemo. :clap Am giving the league a miss this month as am away when it's the final and just generally busy now until Christmas, so good luck all. :ok Playing catch up at the moment from being away, plus broadband went off for a couple of hours earlier, so will start off the table later. In the meantime I need to know who is playing as 160049 and (for the 3rd time of asking) simoncccccc. Also raassskkk, what's your username - is it one of those?

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Re: PL Exclusive Blue Square GUKPT League - £1200 added November - Leg 1 on 2nd Novem

:nana cheers mate thanks guys my first win at punters lounge sweet
Good result. see you made the most of your suck out when your 1010 beat my JJ. Not my night. a few minutes later had my AK beaten by K5 in the final
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