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20nl 6max overpair raised OTF


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really quiet in here, thought i'd post some hands villian is some 20/17 over small working sample with no other reliable stats avaliable. seems aggressive but not extremely. Scream, overpair raised OTF - hes got a set run? UTG ($22.28) Hero (MP) ($22.29) Button ($22.63) SB ($23.49) BB ($26.71) Preflop: Hero is MP with Q:heart:, Q:spade: 1 fold, Hero bets $0.60, 2 folds, BB calls $0.40 Flop: ($1.30) 8:spade:, 4:club:, 3:spade: (2 players) BB checks, Hero bets $1, BB raises to $3,

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Re: 20nl 6max overpair raised OTF Mostly in this spot i know its going to be a fold, but this can be expoited by good regs imo. Folding 100% of the time is probably too weak. What sort of circumstances would you consider another option except folding? As in does it make a difference on what type of reg it is or a rainbow flop etc?

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