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Late Night Poker (Online Series) - Coral Poker [5th Dec 2011] - Andy Bell Wins!


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Re: Late Night Poker (Online Series) - Coral Poker [5th Dec 2011] The end was quick - he was being very aggressive. I shoved all in over the top of one fo his raises for 75k or so with A4o and he had KQ - I held. Then about two hands later he did the same to me - i called with ATo and he showed AJ - ten on the flop sorted it all out - lovely!

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Re: Late Night Poker (Online Series) - Coral Poker [5th Dec 2011] One of the best comebacks ever imo: TEXAS_HOLDEM, NO_LIMIT, T5-194234998-234 played at “Table #1” for USD TC from 2011-12-05 18:12 until 2011-12-05 18:13 Seat 1: sugerbabe27 (61,175 in chips) Seat 2: shuddawudda (18,665 in chips) Seat 3: andybellPL (1,935 in chips) Seat 4: Adelita (25,834 in chips) Seat 5: superm4321 (32,100 in chips) Seat 6: XOczarX (17,291 in chips) Seat 7: Topcat5897 (5,200 in chips) Seat 8: eggyhead24 (44,868 in chips) Seat 9: Burana600 (46,142 in chips) Seat 10: Konupajat (26,790 in chips) ANTES/BLINDS Adelita posts ante (100), superm4321 posts ante (100), XOczarX posts ante (100), Topcat5897 posts ante (100), eggyhead24 posts ante (100), Burana600 posts ante (100), Konupajat posts ante (100), sugerbabe27 posts ante (100), shuddawudda posts ante (100), andybellPL posts ante (100), Adelita posts small blind (500), superm4321 posts big blind (1,000), PRE-FLOP XOczarX folds, Topcat5897 folds, eggyhead24 folds, Burana600 folds, Konupajat folds, sugerbabe27 folds, shuddawudda folds, andybellPL raises to 1,835 and is all-in, Adelita calls 1,835, superm4321 folds. FLOP [board cards: AC,JC,JD ] TURN [board cards: AC,JC,JD,8C ] RIVER [board cards: AC,JC,JD,8C,9S ] SHOWDOWN andybellPL shows [ 9D,TC ] Adelita shows [ 3C,3D ] andybellPL wins 5,670. SUMMARY Dealer: andybellPL Pot: 5,670 sugerbabe27, loses 100 shuddawudda, loses 100 andybellPL, bets 1,935, collects 5,670, net 3,735 Adelita, loses 1,935 superm4321, loses 1,100 XOczarX, loses 100 Topcat5897, loses 100 eggyhead24, loses 100 Burana600, loses 100 Konupajat, loses 100 By the Big blind's comment after I guess he folded the best hand. Less than 835 chips and 6.8/1. mbn :)

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Re: Late Night Poker (Online Series) - Coral Poker [5th Dec 2011]

Well that went quite well considering i actually bought in for full whack and had only like 4k at final table to start with as i had to sweat away my chips on the bubble! Thanks for all the support! Will post up a pic of my new TV when i get it!
Nice one Andy :clap:clap:clap , nice bit o cash too :notworthy
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Re: Late Night Poker (Online Series) - Coral Poker [5th Dec 2011]

I emailed them cos I didn't think they had given it to me and I asked them where my split bounty was before I worked it they had given me $150. Maybe you should email them too.
thanks m8:ok i phone them and e-mail them later with hand history hope you can keep what they give you + they send somthing for me
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Re: Late Night Poker (Online Series) - Coral Poker [5th Dec 2011]

Well that went quite well considering i actually bought in for full whack and had only like 4k at final table to start with as i had to sweat away my chips on the bubble! Thanks for all the support! Will post up a pic of my new TV when i get it!
amazing win Andy well done:notworthy:notworthy
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Re: Late Night Poker (Online Series) - Coral Poker [5th Dec 2011]

Did you get the bounty? Looks like they credited me with $150.
I send them e-mail with full hand history and they send me totaly crap answer: Further to your recent query, please be advised that I am unable to find any details for the tournament with reference T5-194234997 on your account. The only one I have managed to locate was a $33 buy in, $3,500 NL Holdem SH Scheduled that you played yesterday. Also, be informed that according to the records of this tournament, your opponent (Jeffe-Smart) have won with a pair of queens and you only had a high card king. May I take this opportunity to thank you for choosing Coral Poker and apologise for any misunderstanding or inconvenience caused. Should you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or another member of the Customer Services team. Kind regards, Mahmoud Coral Poker Customer Care i had no idea what they talking about as we both was joint winner of the hand??!?!
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Re: Late Night Poker (Online Series) - Coral Poker [5th Dec 2011] - Andy Bell Wins! This Mahmud must be total idiot he speak about different day,different tournament and different hand anyone can help me in this sitouation the hand which i knock out the bounty was: TEXAS_HOLDEM, NO_LIMIT, T5-194234997-187played at Table #2 for USD TC from 2011-12-05 1740 until 2011-12-05 1740 Seat 1 coo1um (9,568 in chips) Seat 2 Burana600 (28,322 in chips) Seat 3 steve382 (5,158 in chips) Seat 4 Adelita (28,350 in chips) Seat 5 XOczarX (27,571 in chips) Seat 6 ognaM (3,630 in chips) Seat 7 Topcat5897 (13,660 in chips) Seat 8 inthefinal (980 in chips) Seat 9 Adam slade (7,056 in chips) Seat 10 mrejmak (2,730 in chips) ANTESBLINDSBurana600 posts ante (60), steve382 posts ante (60), Adelita posts ante (60), XOczarX posts ante (60), ognaM posts ante (60), Topcat5897 posts ante (60), inthefinal posts ante (60), Adam slade posts ante (60), mrejmak posts ante (60), coo1um posts ante (60), Burana600 posts small blind (300), steve382 posts big blind (600), PRE-FLOPAdelita raises to 1,200, XOczarX folds, ognaM folds, Topcat5897 folds, inthefinal calls 920 and is all-in, Adam slade folds, mrejmak raises to 2,670 and is all-in, coo1um folds, Burana600 folds, steve382 folds, Adelita calls 2,670.FLOP board cards JC,6S,6C TURN board cards JC,6S,6C,QS RIVER board cards JC,6S,6C,QS,7C SHOWDOWNmrejmak shows 6H,8D Adelita shows TH,6D inthefinal shows 4C,4S Adelita wins 2,130, mrejmak wins 2,130, Adelita wins 1,750, mrejmak wins 1,750. SUMMARYDealer coo1umPot 7,760coo1um, loses 60Burana600, loses 360steve382, loses 660Adelita, bets 2,730, collects 3,880, net 1,150XOczarX, loses 60ognaM, loses 60Topcat5897, loses 60inthefinal, loses 980Adam slade, loses 60mrejmak, bets 2,730, collects 3,880, net 1,150

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Re: Late Night Poker (Online Series) - Coral Poker [5th Dec 2011] - Andy Bell Wins! a few min after i e-mail them agian get answer: Dear Mr Rejmak, Please ignore previous email as our Poker department has found the details of the tournament in question on your account and this is currently being investigated for you. Once we have received any update in regards to his query, we will let you know as soon as possible. so there is still chance to get this bounty prize

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