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Bubble play mistake?


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Its bubble time,then this hand came up. I guess I should have check raised less and then made a heroic fold. I'm chip leader and of course the two players who see the flop are the two who can do the most damage to me. Upaymywhy is a very good player who I would say is 99% to bet his entire range on the button at the bubble if checked to him. Plan was to let him do that and take the pot down with the check raise. It also gave me a chance to see what daniella7 did. If she bet and Upaymyway raised I think I could have made the fold. Been more than happy with my results recently but taking stack sizes into account was this too aggressive? 12c3_796_uc1il.jpg

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Re: Bubble play mistake?

Its bubble time' date='then this hand came up. I guess[b'] I should have check raised less and then made a heroic fold. I'm chip leader and of course the two players who see the flop are the two who can do the most damage to me. Upaymywhy is a very good player who I would say is 99% to bet his entire range on the button at the bubble if checked to him. Plan was to let him do that and take the pot down with the check raise. It also gave me a chance to see what daniella7 did. If she bet and Upaymyway raised I think I could have made the fold. Been more than happy with my results recently but taking stack sizes into account was this too aggressive? 12c3_796_uc1il.jpg
Think you've answered your own question here! From the way you've said upaymyway plays i really like the play except for the size of the check raise! With a check raise of about 7 or 8k you could get away from it still with a playable stack if he comes over the top of you and it's probably enough to take it down if he has nothing (unless he's capable of the massive bluff on the bubble?)
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Re: Bubble play mistake? Thanks for the replies. Think that a 6k check raise would have done the trick but I still doubt if I could make the fold to a reraise. Normally would c-bet but oop against an unknown and an aggressive button I had bigger plans, pity the were part reliant on me having the best hand:lol

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Re: Bubble play mistake? I think you played it right, and were very unlucky that he hit the flop this hard. As mentioned above, a smaller raise to 7 or 8k you would have to call anyway. The reshove looks like a classic move and in some instances you might even get paid by a weaker ace (not by this player though it seems).

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Re: Bubble play mistake? The trouble with that check raise move is that it will probably take the pot down from a bluff, draw or weak holding but will get called by a hand that has you beat. It is a difficult spot to be in, and tough to ensure you're not being bluffed, but if possible I would suggest trying more pot control. (A good player should also want to avoid an allin clash with another big stack at that point of the tournament. But a very good player might have read the situation perfectly and seek the maximum).

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Re: Bubble play mistake? I dont think that someone with just a draw will bet on the flop into 2 guys. And with the history of playing against this player you think that he isnt a maniac. So give him a Set or AQ AK AJ. The only hand you will beat now is AQ. I wont play all in because all drawing hands will fold and the hands above will call you. So reraise on flop for getting initiative. Fold an a all in. And if you get an call here. check fold to the river.

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