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Next PL Poker Tournament?


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Well i think we got away with the Tournament dont you? I think we should keep discussions open about another tournament while everyone has it fresh in their minds and are enthusiastic. I'd hate to think of it just fading away and being a one-off. In the threads leading up to Sat, we had various suggestions and preferences for the best time to play. Some said a weekday would be best and some said Sunday's. I changed the day to Saturday for this one because one or two said Sunday was out. So we need some feedback from everyone on whats the best way to go. I am most flexible-apparently? so i'll go with the flow. Also would like feedback on what people thought of Paradise, the software, any probs we had, i know Suzy had terrible connection problems for instance. The buy-in seemed to work, i thought $77 was ok for our first shot. Any thoughts on this? I know some will want to increase it but be mindful that by doing this too much we may deter new players. Maybe we could have a 'big' tourney every now and then? Anyway we had 17 players and apparently over 40 watching - who were they?? Just want to make one thing clear, just because i set the first one up it doesnt mean i make the decisions, i will gladly help set the next one up but the decisions are for all of us to make. Cheers BH

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Re: Next PL Poker Tournament? Hi Billy. Firstly "congratulations" on all your hard work making the tourney a success. :clap :clap I am flexible too and do not mind which night we play. I would like to see more players or increased stakes next time although I take your point on attracting new players and not wanting to put them off. Why not post up 2 tourneys to start in the next 10 days? One high stakes and one low stakes? Say $25 and a $10 game? (I'll play in both). I am used to Laddies software so I didn't like the interface on Paradise as much although I didn't think it was bad either. I didn't have any problems connecting at all. I thought the private game option was absolutely excellent and as far as I know you can't do this on Laddies or Bet365 as easily? Anyway - mark me down for the next game whenever it is. :ok

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Re: Next PL Poker Tournament? I really enjoyed last night. I think a Sunday night would be my preference as long as it doesn't conflict with Songs of Praise. I might be able to play in all tournaments but I'm sure we could drum up more players to cover those who can't play all the time. In my opinion the stakes should remain small in the short term at least. We need to keep the fun element which was apparent last night. If the money gets more serious then so will the competition but at this stage we need to be on the novices' side. I didn't experience any software problems but are there any UK sights that accommodate private tournaments. That dark-skinned Halifax man with the jam-jars charges me for every overseas transaction (do any other banks do this) so it would be good to play this side of the pond. Yeh I could change banks but it would be embarrasing to write "to play more poker" in the reason for joining the new bank box.

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Re: Next PL Poker Tournament? It felt like everyone who took part was enjoying themselves, Billy. Plenty of chat and banter going on although i didn't really have the chance to join in cos i spent half the time re-connecting. Since i played on betfair for an hour without any probs earlier in the evening it was probably a problem with paradise. Hope you do make it a regular thing, I'll be there, work permitting. Maybe you could consider different start times to enable people who like to go out at night to play? Might get more players? Also it would allow me to play before i go to work. All in all, a great success, well done and thank you. suzy

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Re: Next PL Poker Tournament? Sunday night is out for me, anything up to about 3pm is fine though. Other than that it's Friday/Saturday nights only for me as it's the only times I can get away from a firewall. Other than that I don't mind the stakes, and I had no problem with the site.

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Re: Next PL Poker Tournament? Hi guys, I think we should keep the buyin cheap for the regular PL tourney like it was for the first one. This is mainly so new players are not intimidated or scared to join us as the most they can lose is 10 dollars or whatever and after you have played once there is no going back ;). The more players we get the better and I can only see us increasing in numbers! I do agree a slightly bigger buy in tourney would be good as well tho, perhaps once a month or something like that. As for time and dates I am completely flexible myself. I do think we should fix it into a regular thing once every two weeks and try and accomodate the majority of people as best we can. The software etc is fine for me if anyone is having problems with bank charges then I suggest using neteller to fund your account/withdraw winnings to. If we start to get 20+ people together regularly then perhaps we could approach ladbrokes again. Once it's all settled we can put everything up in a sticky thread at the top but for now I will keep polishing my trophy (no spanking the monkey jokes plz!!) until the rechallenge takes place:cow Jez

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Re: Next PL Poker Tournament? You did a top job last night Billy. Well done mate. :clap Really enjoyed the game despite finishing in 4th and one place out of the dosh. :wall I'm quite happy playing on Paradise. Did anyone else apart from suzy have connection problems? If so, we need to consider that for the future. May be worth suzy having a go at one of the cheap cash games for an hour to see if it was a one-off or whether there's a permanent problem there. Sunday's would be ideal for me as I tend to be doing naff all then. Friday's a no-go and Saturday's a bit hit and miss. As for the buy-in, again I reckon keeping it the same to encourage more players is a good idea. If you get a higher staked tourney off the ground though, count me in for that one too. Oh, and gotta say congrats to Jez. You agressive all-in merchant you! :ok

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Re: Next PL Poker Tournament? Yeah great success well done everyone :clap Perhaps a $10 one each month and another with slightly higher stakes each month would be my preference. I would be fairly flexible with regard days, maybe one on a friday/saturday and one sunday/other weekday is best to give everyone a chance to play. I would go for saturday and sunday but as I said I'm fairly flexible. Cheers lads :)

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Re: Next PL Poker Tournament? Cheers for organising the tournament Billy :clap I enjoyed it even if i did go out by playing my last hand increadably badly :lol I'd definately be up for playing again, though I think the idea of having a lower stakes game and a higher stakes game for those who want it is a good idea, as (and i'm sure im not just speaking for myself ) i'm aware that there are quite a few people in the forum that have a lot more experience than me and are likely ( for the moment ;) ) to play rings round me. i'd rather keep it fun. maybe when i've been playing a bit longer i'd be interested in higher stakes but not right now. I didn't have any problems with my connection at paradise poker- though the gameplay is a bit slow. I'd be happy enough to play there again. Theres no particular time thats better or worse for me as im usually pretty flexible i'd also like to say a thank you :cheers as (although i was a bit pissed by the end of it) playing in a tournament against people who know what they are doing seems to have helped my gameplay. i thought i'd give it a go playing more agressively and managed to win 2 single table tournaments and come 2nd in two others tonight (admittedly only $5 entry ones) :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow :nana :cow This is probably the longest post i've made in the PL- as you will see from my low post count i hate typing. Bit pissed again tonight actually :lol Probably helps explain why i won

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Re: Next PL Poker Tournament? For me Fridays/Saturdays are out, I usually fly back home Friday night to spend time will the ball and chain, doubt she'd appreciate me sat in front of the laptop, any other time is fine, as long as its in the evening, no real pref, also any stakes $10/$25 whatever. I'll get signed up to paradise in preparation for the next one.

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Re: Next PL Poker Tournament? Think we're all in total agreement that the Tourney was a total success. I also really enjoyed it (helped by a top five finish and a couple of "scrape me off the ceiling" recovery moments :ok ). I would prefer not to play on a Fri/Sat although would still be able to play in the odd one here and there and I def think we should keep it at lower stakes to retain the fun element for now. I agree that putting on a seperate tourney with bigger stakes will keep the "high rollers" happy and i'd imagine I'd pop in for a hand or two of big money. No probs with Paradise for me. For the record I think Doddsy should be barred for being too jammy..... :lol A wise (short) man once told me - I'm not addicted mate, I just I can't stop. Good call!

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Re: Next PL Poker Tournament? Yep defo up for another bigokay.gif Flexible night wise & had no probs with the software Billy.. Think the buy in should stay at roughly the same level for the time being as it keeps it fun for all involved... Looking forward to the next one DancingCow.gif

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Re: Next PL Poker Tournament? I missed out on the last one chaps, sounded like a good session! Can't wait for the next one, I'm free most nights, Saturday's can be tricky. Happy to play $10 - $25 although would much prefer Betfair. Cheers Danny Edit: Have since joined Paradise Poker though... ;-)

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Re: Next PL Poker Tournament? Just like to say for some of those that missed the previous threads, the reason we chose ParadisePoker is that the leading sites like Ladbrokes, Hills, Betfair, Bet365 etc do not have a facility for private tables. Have a look its easy to set up and most found the gameplay to be adequate if not quite good. (accept Visa, Mastercard, Switch, Solo etc..) Some really good replies here lads, my first thoughts are these; Maybe we should try a Sunday this time for those that coudnt do Saturday last time out, and most people are in favour of that day anyway. Mark, is thre no chance od making Sunday PM? Proposal: Sunday 23rd January, 7pm $10 buy-in ParadisePoker. This way its a two-week gap and then next time we could raise the stakes if enough are interested. Looks like 10 are definitely needed for the game to start. I'll start another thread if this is acceptable nearer the time, also give us chance to spread the word further.

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Re: Next PL Poker Tournament?

Just like to say for some of those that missed the previous threads, the reason we chose ParadisePoker is that the leading sites like Ladbrokes, Hills, Betfair, Bet365 etc do not have a facility for private tables. Have a look its easy to set up and most found the gameplay to be adequate if not quite good. (accept Visa, Mastercard, Switch, Solo etc..)
PardisePoker never used to take Switch cards - if it does now then I'd play no problem. Yes - I just checked, it takes Switch cards, sure it never used to. Well, looking forward to playing in one of these sometime:)
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Re: Next PL Poker Tournament? Thanks for organising the tournament Billy, a job well done. Weekends would be better for me, but I'm not bothered, I'll try and make every tournament. Good fun was had by all and I'm sure this will continue in the future. I agree with keeping the entry fee quite small at the minute, just to try and attract more people. Looking forward to the next one already! PS Thanks for the dig there Tufty, glad to see I still annoy you!:rollin

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