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Washman wins WSOP ME package weeeeeee


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Re: Washman wins WSOP ME package weeeeeee

After 4 years of trying to qualify' date=' I'm still on a high now :nana:nana[/quote'] I can't believe that this is your first Main Event :loon I thought you were in it every year!! Are there any views on what the Main Event will be like this year, post the US fallout? I'm totally guessing, but imagine it will be the smallest main event for a long time?
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Re: Washman wins WSOP ME package weeeeeee

:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy What was the sat buy-in and did you work your way up from smaller sats?
Sat buy-in was $320, but qualified for it through $22 sat :ok There were 17 in $22 sat, with one seat to $320 final. Final had 63 runners, with 1 package and next 12 getting another $320 ticket.
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Re: Washman wins WSOP ME package weeeeeee Washy, how do you think the standard in the WSOP qualifiers on Bwin compares to 888poker? (If you've played any of the later rounds there ... I've only bumped into you in a $5.50 "Step 1" I think.) I'm playing my third "Step 4" next Sunday. Agonizingly close in my first (though I won a $200-ish consolation prize that has subsidized my subsequent attempts), mid-table in my second after losing half my stack folding to a player who I only realized later was a complete maniac ... maybe he had me beat, but I'd never have folded if I'd known then what I know now about him. Third time lucky? :hope I qualified for my third "Step 4" yesterday in rather bizarre circumstances. With 10 players left and 9 to qualify, I was one of the two very short stacks, so it was getting rather tense. Then one of the other players (shortish, but not the other very short stack) raised to 20 chips short of his stack, folded to a reraise from a big stack, and got anted out next hand. Presumably the $160 consolation prize for 10th place was worth more to him than a $525 "Step 4" seat. :unsure I'm not complaining!

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Re: Washman wins WSOP ME package weeeeeee Congratulations Washy! I am surprised this is your first time in the Main Event... as I could have sworn you had qualified before for the WSOP but maybe it was for a side event!? Or 1 of the other 100 or so satellites you have won! Good luck in the ME... take it down for the PL posse! :dude

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Re: Washman wins WSOP ME package weeeeeee

Ah' date=' I thought Al meant having cashed in the Main Event, I knew he had cashed in one of the side events[/quote'] Know what you mean, Morls won a $60 tourney at Planet Hollywood when the Main event was actually running, probably on a par with Al's cash;) Was it not Fenners who cashed?
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