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Heniek's stake to PokerPlayer Gala in Bristol SOLD OUT


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  • Name: heniek31 on PL

  • Stake Requested: £110 - 100 shares of £1.10
  • Event/Tournament: Poker Payer Uk Tour Bristol
  • Offer: 100% payback - 1 share = 1% of returns
  • Date of Event/Tournament: 9th of April

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Arek Sinkiewiczagree to play the below tournaments and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments.

I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. heniek31 on Stars, FT or 888. 10% = $17.94 Me 40% Washman 10% paid Ooblio 20% paid Avongirl 10% paid BurnleyJoe 10% paid Averick 10% paid

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Re: Heniek's stake to PokerPlayer Gala in Bristol 20% left

Looks like I reappeared just in time. Can't believe this wasn't taken within a few minutes of posting. :loon 10% for me please, will transfer on Stars. :ok
Thank you Helen :ok
10 please
Thank you Joe :ok.
10% please!
Sorry mate. Were 20 left :\
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Re: Heniek's stake to PokerPlayer Gala in Bristol SOLD OUT Starting stack 7.5k and 30 minutes blinds. Not much for playing proper poker. With this fast structure, needing pretty much doubling up in the first two levels. Didn't happened to me. Tried to play few pots and once to bluff Slapdash of the pot and went down to 3.5k. Doubled up with QQ v 77 and was on around 7k till blinds went to 600 and ants 50. Pretty much no cards. Raised with AJ EP leaving myself with less than M8. Was ready to fold to shove from few super tight guys, But one other did. I called him and was happy to see 99. J on the flop, but he hits the turn :eyes. Walked across the room, just to be shout at, that I have some left. 75 chips, where ants were 100 :lol. And a showdown against AA :(. I'm sorry again guys :\.

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