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With the flat season still in its infancy, I'd like to try and start my own horse racing notebook with horses to keep an eye out of for as the season progresses. Only problem is, I don't really know what to look for. That may sound strange to you, but I feel I can read form and read race results etc. What kind of horse should be going into my notebook? What race data should I record? What constitutes an eye catching performance? I need a few ideas to form a starting point, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Notes Basically I can read the form, but have no idea what to look for to point towards what might be a winner in a future/ antepost race. What constitutes "running well"? How do people identify that potential "Gold Cup horse" months before the race? Hope this helps :unsure

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Re: Notes I have stayed away from Antepost so far, but obviously the more high profile trainers target the more high profile races. You could start by reading their comments, although sometimes you need to take them with a pinch of salt as some don't point punters in the right direction. It must be awfully hard to predict the winner of a future race at an early stage and I would imagine predicting the winner of 2yo races could be the easiest as they are supposedly improving all the time. I'd start by looking at past winners of the race and see if you can notice any patterns :ok Remember, only one horse can win the race!

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Re: Notes To be honest, that kind of 'notebook' or even ante-post has never appealed to me.........it's the thought of spending all that time and effort on horses who might never run again !.............:loon I'd rather spend my time on tomorrow's races...........at least you know who's running !

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