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GUKPT Goliath - G Casino Coventry - avongirl 5th for £8100


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Re: GUKPT Goliath 24th - 28th August 2011 - G Casino Coventry

Can someone help me... I'm going to play on the Thursday but havent got my ticket yet. Is it possible to buy online, as I've tried Gcasino and Bluesquare but can't find anywhere to buy a ticket direct? If not, do you think I would be able to get a ticket on the day when I get their? Any help would be great.
Hi mate Theres a direct buy-in option on blue square just go to tournaments,coventry goliath and there it is says they,ll e-mail for a choice of day :ok:ok
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Re: GUKPT Goliath 24th - 28th August 2011 - G Casino Coventry

Hi mate Theres a direct buy-in option on blue square just go to tournaments,coventry goliath and there it is says they,ll e-mail for a choice of day :ok:ok
Thanks alot Jones, bought straight in through Bluesquare. Hope they email sharpish now :)
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Re: GUKPT Goliath 24th - 28th August 2011 - G Casino Coventry

Thanks alot Jones, bought straight in through Bluesquare. Hope they email sharpish now :)
Hi Rovers if they dont e-mail you back give them a ring on 080058705003 and choose option 3 i think and thats the poker team and they will confirm,as i have just done the same thing hope this helps :ok:ok:ok
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Re: GUKPT Goliath 24th - 28th August 2011 - G Casino Coventry

Hi Rovers if they dont e-mail you back give them a ring on 080058705003 and choose option 3 i think and thats the poker team and they will confirm,as i have just done the same thing hope this helps :ok:ok:ok
They sent an email after a couple of hours. Playing tomorrow, anybody else playing tomorrow? Good luck to everyone, and hope there's some deep deep runs in the tournament :hope
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Re: GUKPT Goliath 24th - 28th August 2011 - G Casino Coventry running pretty well on day 1a Was up to 50k now at 40k level 9. About av stack. Big row on my table when guy next to me checked out of turn. I then raised and he went all in. Asked for ruling and he could only call my raise, we ended up splitting the pot. He wasn't happy. Everyone on the table thought he was allowed to reraise.

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Re: GUKPT Goliath 24th - 28th August 2011 - G Casino Coventry

running pretty well on day 1a Was up to 50k now at 40k level 9. About av stack. Big row on my table when guy next to me checked out of turn. I then raised and he went all in. Asked for ruling and he could only call my raise, we ended up splitting the pot. He wasn't happy. Everyone on the table thought he was allowed to reraise.
nice going Kevan, :clap:clap:clap i believe the ruling to be correct :ok but then different casinos have different rules. good luck for the rest of today :ok
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Re: GUKPT Goliath 24th - 28th August 2011 - G Casino Coventry

Washy is left with 4 blinds :(. Don't know others.
But he's Washy, he only needs 1 ;) Good luck everyone left in today, was great meeting you all & hope to see you again on the 3rd Sept. Good luck also to those playing tomorrow or Friday & a big thank you once again to BlueSq/Rank for the added PL value. :ok Bart
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Re: GUKPT Goliath 24th - 28th August 2011 - G Casino Coventry Gutted again yesterday how I went out. Lost 2 bigish pots of over 100k. The first I was holding AQ when the flop comes down AJQ we both get our money in. Hero turns over AK and with the K on the river I am down to a little over 12k. I managed to bluff and win a few post and got back up to 40k just before midnight. I knew I needed a double up to make it worth my while coming back on Saturday where the blinds start at 3k 6k. My last hand I was BB 1 caller and I hit a set of 10's on the flop. Hero has 8 8. Turn 8 River 8 gives him quads in a 100k pot. The second time in 2 G tournaments where I have hit a set in the flop and lost 2 Quad 8's. I was feeling really good about my play and confident I could go deep. Finished in 90th ish in the end. :sad Live poker is fixed thats all I can say. :D

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Re: GUKPT Goliath 24th - 28th August 2011 - G Casino Coventry Out in 123 during next to final level. Was down to 40k and blinds were over 3000/1500. one limper in early and i woke up with AJo. Raised to 9000. everyone folds and limper calls. low flop. I bet 10,000 and limper calls. Hit ace on turn and I go all in,only to find that the limper has KQ s and my ace has given him the flush. J on river is of no help. Gutted

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Re: GUKPT Goliath 24th - 28th August 2011 - G Casino Coventry

Out in 123 during next to final level. Was down to 40k and blinds were over 3000/1500. one limper in early and i woke up with AJo. Raised to 9000. everyone folds and limper calls. low flop. I bet 10' date='000 and limper calls. Hit ace on turn and I go all in,only to find that the limper has KQ s and my ace has given him the flush. J on river is of no help. Gutted[/quote'] ul mate, looks like the post flop bet was too small and he took the gamble and it paid off. sounds also like he had plenty of chips not to notice any loss
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Re: GUKPT Goliath 24th - 28th August 2011 - G Casino Coventry

ul mate' date=' looks like the post flop bet was too small and he took the gamble and it paid off. sounds also like he had plenty of chips not to notice any loss[/quote'] The problem was that when most people were going all in pre flop during this round they weren't getting called. I needed to double up. Had made a similar play with KK's and got one caller. with a J on the flop I pushed all in hopping he had AJ but after a long delay he folded AQ. With the blinds about to go up to 4000/2000 needed action. Guy only had about 55,000 so thought I could push him off the flop. An all in at that stage might have got him to fold but with his draw probably not.
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Re: GUKPT Goliath 24th - 28th August 2011 - G Casino Coventry I went out about 10pm yesterday - dropped about 2k from starting stack of 25k before the 'Mad Turk' sat down :D Five mins later was up to about 36k after flopping trip 3s on a board with 3 diamonds, called his flop and turn bets before I hit quads on the river, he bet 7k, I shoved, he took a while before folding. Loads of AQ, AK, AJs got me to 42k by first break. I hovered around this level for next few hours, before table broke. After dinner raised a couple of times and all folded. Then dealt AK and raised from early position, called by next guy, and 1 other. Magic flop of JQT rainbow - bet and call. Turn T :puke I bet, he raised, I push - unfortunately he flips over JJ. Down to 9k at this point, I push twice uncontested, before 3rd time when I have AK, same guy calls with.....JJ again. A on flop gets me back to 22k or so. Shortly after that, table broke, and went card dead on next one. Eventually pushed KQ after an early raise, he calls with 99. 9 on flop, J on turn gives me some outs, but blank river, and thats it. Good to meet the other guys again, and Staffy for first time :ok

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Re: GUKPT Goliath 24th - 28th August 2011 - G Casino Coventry Out before the 1st break today. Get dealt A3 in big blind. Flop comes 2,4,5 (two diamonds) I check, fish raises, I call. Turn Blank. I bet 2 and half thousand, he makes it 7thousand. So i push all in for 23thousand. He thinks for ages before calling, with the flush draw. I couldn't believe he made that call. How? Anyway diamond on the river :puke I was driving just one way to Coventry longer than I was in the tournament.

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Re: GUKPT Goliath 24th - 28th August 2011 - G Casino Coventry Had a reasonable start got up to about 38K at one point got pushed off far too many pots, I went out not long after Washy,( I was sitting on your right when your broadway got beat) Got short staked as usual, went out when i pushed with 67 off tryin to steal the blinds

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