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Paddy Power Staking -Sold Out


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Re: Paddy Power Staking -Sold Out

:clap How did my chips do in the Circus one? :tongue2 (expect you realised you can't chat once you're out)
Id tried to say thank you for the donation as you left :lol, but we had another Sit Out All In so it doesn't allow it then. I eventually finished 14th for $10 - TBH its the only time I ever use my Circus Account:tongue2 In reality the Circus VIP Tourney from 249 entries I would hazard that 66% are sitouts. Think I was moved around 4 tables in the early stages and live players would have been 3,4,2,3 on the respective tables
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Re: Paddy Power Staking -Sold Out As I said in the Initial post I don't think I'll be playing the remaining tourneys this Friday, as its a hectic week for me the first week of any month - so I'll most likely miss tomorrow and finish the Friday sets next week - (along with the Freeroll) If I don't post in here before 8pm confirming im playing - then they'll be played next week.:ok

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Re: Paddy Power Staking -Sold Out Table Updated Each Share ended up worth $1.46 (Thats stakes returned then 0.85 of Profit per Share) I'll send back via Stars -Thank you for your faith, and patience :ok Stars Names PL-Gaf - $58-41(SENT) Heneik31 - $14-60 (SENT) PL-Avongirl - $14-60 (SENT) Moneyshuffle(?) - is that correct Gremlin? - $29-20 (SENT) (Gaf - Am I Ok to send Gremlin his 20% from my Stars account :) - saves you messing about)

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Re: Paddy Power Staking -Sold Out Well done VoJ :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

PL-Gaf - $58-41(SENT)
Winnings received, ty :ok
Moneyshuffle(?) - is that correct Gremlin? - $29-20 (Gaf - Am I Ok to send Gremlin his 20% from my Stars account :) - saves you messing about)
Sounds great to me - ty :ok I can confirm MoneyShuffle is the stars alias I received the transfer from for Gremlin :ok
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