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Reducing Eye Strain


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A really good program I saw flagged on 2plus2 - http://www.stereopsis.com/flux/ It does really seem to work! It calculates sunrise and sunset times from your location and then reduces brightness (and changes colours) when you're deprived of natural light. Might seem a little strange at first, but when you get used to it, you wont go back to how it was before....

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Re: Reducing Eye Strain suffered with eye strain for a few years,i had a desktop 3 years ago and awful eye strain.it eased up a lot when i got a laptop and glasses just for computer,i think looking up at the screen puts a lot of strain on your eyes so i always have laptop on a little table and look down at screen, made a massive difference and eye strain is never as bad now, i do get it everynow and then when i lean forward for a while when playing poker, bad habbit, , laptop for me should be arms length +10 inch, sometimes screen does start to seem bright so i may download this program, ive just tilted screen back and this reduces brightness from sceen.

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