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Question of the week 1


Question of the week 1  

  1. 1.

    • Check / Fold
    • Bet All In

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Your Hand: 7H / 8H wod5_cb1_u92am.jpg Question your in a six-max game online, in this hand it’s folded to the aggressive cut-off, who raises to $8. The button and small blind fold and you elect to three-bet to $26. He calls and the flop comes 5 6♣ K. You bet $45 and He calls. The turn comes A♠. What should you do?

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Re: Question of the week Will try and put them on a range but all the info we have is 'aggro cut-off'. For starters they just called a 3bet so if they're aggro that rules out a few combos of slow played monsters but they could have a few still. 3bet calls are usually in the mid-pair mid-connectors kind of range with some Ax suited as well. There's also no info on how we play, if we're a huge nit we can get away with all-in turn as we fold all their non Ax hands but if we're real aggro they can see the A as a bluff card and will call with KQ maybe TT etc. Not sure i like a c/r all in, lets say they bet half pot, it's only another $70 into $350 to call for them so we only fold out their absolute air and would they totally float flop with air? By c/r we only get air to fold, by shoving we get a lot of hands we're losing to to fold. I don't mind betting half pot on turn - it looks deceptively strong as seems like we're never folding to a shove (just stoved their range and it's close but we're getting about the odds to call) It folds out some of their Kx folds out most of their pairs and all air, and it offers the least risk to reward. As an aside hero's cbet size on flop is way too huge unless they intend to pot sized all-in on an A turn. Edit: just seen the options are go all in or check/fold lol.

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Re: Question of the week Way above my level that I play in but have went for check/fold. Looks like he won't fold and has the better hand so no sense in you throwing more money away, and maybe there is a tiny chance he could check too and you can get a free chance to hit your straight.

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Re: Question of the week I get into these spots so often as you prob know by my play lol I'd betting betting every street and depending how much we got left on the river I'd either bet the river looking like a value bet or shove depending on stacks no matter what the river is here.

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Re: Question of the week Correct Answer: Bet all-in The A♠ is an excellent barrel card. It’s highly unlikely that your opponent has flatted the three-bet with A-K, and it’s even less likely she would do it on the flop. The A♠ is a great scare card, so ship it all-in. Worst-case scenario, you do have eight outs.

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Re: Question of the week 1 Another option imo is betting $50 and shipping any safe river. I do it with both my huge hands that I want to get it in only on the river, and when triple barrel bluffing too. It has seemed to be pretty effective as it looks insanely strong. Just remember to keep a look out for how the board texture develops, and how it'll affect your opponent's range and your perceived range.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Question of the week 1 I don't see what we're representing if we go all in on the turn. IMO it's too strong arm. Anything that was ahead on the turn wouldn't need to go all in, and would want a call. So why are we shoving? He won't believe us. Is he going to believe we have an Ace? Nope. Is he going to believe we have a king? Nope Is he going to believe we have a set? Nope. 2 pair? Nope Of course if it was a better player you could fool him if you DID have a great hand BY shoving, he would prob think you are bluffing and call.

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