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RIVRD's Daily 90k Sats - Completed


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Re: RIVRD's Daily 90k Sats - sold out made 2nd break, not sure how came back from the break and raised utg with 10 10 everyone folded until the bb made a shove, thought he was on the steal and called he had jj :( left me 1k, very next hand i have i have a7s in a blind v blind and shoved it in, got called he had qjo and my hand held and doubled to 2k. A few hands later i limp utg with KK about 7 callers :loon but flop came 10 k 10, slowed played the hand and managed to double up as the other guy had A 10 :) On 5k now - 3k behind ave.

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Re: RIVRD's Daily 90k Sats - sold out Rebel - 20 shares - returned - $46.72 Jedinight 10 shares - returned - $23.36 Heneik 10 shares - returned - $23.36 Avongirl 10 shares - returned - $23.36 Guppie 10 shares - returned - $23.36-Received thank you Mr Anon 20 shares - returned - $46.72 Teaulc 10 shares - returned - $23.36 Starshine 10 shares - returned - $23.36 All funds are now sent, i added the 3 x $25 for my 3rds on to the totals. Thanks again for the staking, almost turned into a big score if it wasn't for that dam river :wall

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